Author Topic: [FOOD] Pasta with tomato sauce  (Read 1917 times)

Offline gamerdude767

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[FOOD] Pasta with tomato sauce
« on: August 24, 2009, 02:10:36 PM »

  10 easy steps to a delicious meal!!

 1. Add about 2-3 mugs full of a pasta shell of your choice into boiling water.
 2. Put a little salt into boiling water.
 3. dice half onion and add to a hot pan. allow to cook until onion is see-through!
 4. Tip a whole can of chopped tomatoes into pan and stir.
 5. Get a garlic clove and crush it. (if you have a garlic crusher and mincer sortof thing use that) if not chop clove as finely as you can!!
 6. keep stirring tomato sauce until it starts bubbling.
 7. leave sauce to simmer, then stir (if sauce is at correct consistency turn heat off!)
 8. Once pasta is soft tip contents into a colander. place pasta shell onto a plate.
 9. Gently pour tomato sauce over shells, (optional: grate some cheese ontop)
 10. serve hot and enjoy! 

Quote from: H-Sauce
**Long Pause**........
Yup, thats better than balloons


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