Author Topic: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000  (Read 1866 times)

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Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« on: September 02, 2009, 10:27:26 AM »
I've got a silver psp 2000 which doesn't seem to want to play any games or apps :boxed:. I then though it might be the firmware which i originally had OFW but then i put CFW 3.80 MM3 but that didn't help. so i have this psp which only plays music and video but doesn't play games or apps or upgrades. so now i'm wondering what i should do with it. should i mod it? or should i sell it, or can i even fix it? suggestions?  :help:

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Re: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2009, 10:40:08 AM »
Frist off Welcome to Acidmods.

You'll have to explain exactly what happens when you try to boot into game.

Does the PSP freeze/lock up? Does it just go back to the menu? What?

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Re: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2009, 10:45:31 AM »
Frist off Welcome to Acidmods.

You'll have to explain exactly what happens when you try to boot into game.

Does the PSP freeze/lock up? Does it just go back to the menu? What?

well thx for the welcome but yea it just locks up at the psp boot. and also when i go to mm3 menu and try to exit it fails too and locks up. it does it when i tried to upgrade it and with any apps that go through the psp boot thingy.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 10:47:08 AM by {80} »

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Re: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 01:45:15 PM »
Alrighty. Here's what I'd like you to try:

Download and enable the plugin PSP-HUD for the XMB, and have it so that the time is displayed.

Once that's done, try and launch a game. It'll probably hang, but don't shut off. Wait and see if the time still ticks away in the corner for a few minutes. You can turn it of either way, but only after about 3-4 mins to see.

Lemme know what happens.

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Re: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2009, 02:21:49 PM »
sorry was in class...but ill try it now and post the results. oh and in the read me its says that it wasn't tested for CFW lower than 4.01 and i have CFW 3.80 so ill see what happens. by the way thanks for the help :hifive:.

Post Merge: September 02, 2009, 02:38:30 PM
so far it still hangs but it shows the time like u said(and that works) and the battery life and the cpu 222>333mhz...
Also tried to access a game with the M33 vsh menu but it locked up as well.

oh yea i almost forgot 3 things when it locks up the psp won't shut off so you have to remove the battery. Also when you are able to shut it off like from the menu, it doesn't do it fast the power light just blinks for a few mins. and only then does it shut off. oh and yea it doesn't play umds either(telling you just in case if you didn't know what i mean by any games).
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 02:52:52 PM by {80} »

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Re: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2009, 03:03:25 PM »
Alright, now do you see the time tick away when it hangs?

I have a similar issue with one of my PSPs, and I knew that it hung at the game boot. The time still ticked away and such. But as stupid as this sounds, my way to deal with it, is to sorta 'twist' the PSP.

I'm pretty sure it's caused by a fault in the mobo, because it hangs when loading homebrew and such, and won't even read any UMDs.

I'll explain the way I twist my psp:

Left hand on left side, thumb above the D-pad, middle finger on the bottom of the back left side.

Right hand on the bottom right hand side, Thumb below the action pad with the index finger on the top right area on the back.

Then 'twist' it, having the thumb on the left side move away from you.

It sounds extremely stupid, but thats what works for me. I'd suggest you don't put toooo much force. The PSP itself does have some give, and you will need some force to do it, but too much and you'll crack the screen.

Again, stupid sounding, but only thing I can suggest.

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Re: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2009, 03:12:13 PM »
Alright, now do you see the time tick away when it hangs?

I have a similar issue with one of my PSPs, and I knew that it hung at the game boot. The time still ticked away and such. But as stupid as this sounds, my way to deal with it, is to sorta 'twist' the PSP.

I'm pretty sure it's caused by a fault in the mobo, because it hangs when loading homebrew and such, and won't even read any UMDs.

I'll explain the way I twist my psp:

Left hand on left side, thumb above the D-pad, middle finger on the bottom of the back left side.

Right hand on the bottom right hand side, Thumb below the action pad with the index finger on the top right area on the back.

Then 'twist' it, having the thumb on the left side move away from you.

It sounds extremely stupid, but thats what works for me. I'd suggest you don't put toooo much force. The PSP itself does have some give, and you will need some force to do it, but too much and you'll crack the screen.

Again, stupid sounding, but only thing I can suggest.

HOLY :censored:! IT WORKS. THX!!  :#1: :clap:

im just wondering how this happens...i mean WOW i owe you man.  :hifive: :tup:
I'm so happy now!

So do you know whats the deal?

Offline DarkShot

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Re: Sort-of Broken PSP 2000
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2009, 07:14:02 PM »
Ha I'm glad it did.

I was totally surprised when I randomly figured it out too. I knew something was funny when it hung, yet the HUD clock kept ticking away on my psp. I couldn't wrap my head around why it wouldn't work. As for getting UMDs to work, I can't help you there. I've tried all sorts of various things with no luck, so the one psp I got is essentially for homebrew and various other games.

Again, beats me on why it happens. Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm pretty sure it's something to do with the mobo, a fault somewhere.

Anywho glad I could help, and I look forward to seeing some of your modding handywork!


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