Author Topic: Viewsonic vx2260wm 22" monitor  (Read 3362 times)

Offline FreeK

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Viewsonic vx2260wm 22" monitor
« on: December 27, 2009, 09:10:36 AM »

The product: Viewsonic vx2260wm
The price: ~$200
The final review: 4.75/5

20,000:1 Aspect Ratio
2ms responce time
1080p display (1920x1080)
Supports HDMI/DVI (HDCP compatible)
built in speakers

A great monitor for all needs, gaming or for a PC monitor. Great brightness and resolution, and even has built in speakers for office use and to avoid extra clutter.

it next to my laptop (my rooms a mess currently)

example of it in use

Pros and Cons
+ Ultra Fast response time for intense gaming/movie watching
+ HDMI support
+ Full 1080p resolution

- built-in speakers are quiet/cheap
- abnoxiously bright power light, which pretty distracting at night
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 12:28:00 PM by FreeK »


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