Author Topic: A few questions on programming a RapidFire mod  (Read 2598 times)

Offline Naoticon

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A few questions on programming a RapidFire mod
« on: May 06, 2013, 06:25:41 PM »
Hey guys,

I recently decided to try my hand at programming my own rapid fire mod, just thought I might ask some people who knew more than I did some of the basics.

I get the basic idea, but wanted to make sure I wasn't wrong on anything.

1. To simulate trigger pull/release, I just have to drive the digital output of the pin high and then low, correct?
2. If so, how long does the simulated release persist? If I'm holding the trigger the whole time, at what point does it go back to being in control?
3. Is there a recommended voltage to run the trigger output at so I don't do anything like fry the board?
4. I've done some reading on the various ways to do this, and so far the only thing I haven't been able to dig anything up on is the comparator method, can you point me in the direction of some info on that?

Thanks in advance guys, and I apologize if this is the wrong section, wasn't quite sure where to put it.

Offline Bigandrewgold

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Re: A few questions on programming a RapidFire mod
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 02:38:33 PM »
Hey guys,

I recently decided to try my hand at programming my own rapid fire mod, just thought I might ask some people who knew more than I did some of the basics.

I get the basic idea, but wanted to make sure I wasn't wrong on anything.

1. To simulate trigger pull/release, I just have to drive the digital output of the pin high and then low, correct?
2. If so, how long does the simulated release persist? If I'm holding the trigger the whole time, at what point does it go back to being in control?
3. Is there a recommended voltage to run the trigger output at so I don't do anything like fry the board?
4. I've done some reading on the various ways to do this, and so far the only thing I haven't been able to dig anything up on is the comparator method, can you point me in the direction of some info on that?

Thanks in advance guys, and I apologize if this is the wrong section, wasn't quite sure where to put it.
2-whatever you are outputting from the rapidfire chip will override the actual controller, make the pin an input to put the physical trigger back into control.  (Note, this is different for the buttons, because you cannot easily simulate a unpressed button if it is infact pressed, only way you can do this is to cut the traces and make it actually go though the rf chip)
3-assuming you are using the controller as the power source and not something external, don't worry about it.  but if you are using an external power supply for some reason, and it is greater than 3v, then yea, you should regulate it to 3v or something like that, or you could start frying stuff.
4-Im not sure what you're talking about

Offline Naoticon

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Re: A few questions on programming a RapidFire mod
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 04:02:47 PM »
Thanks much! I really appreciate the help.


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