Author Topic: ็Help me!!  (Read 1070 times)

Offline worapoltop

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็Help me!!
« on: September 28, 2009, 08:45:40 AM »
Hi, yes I am from Thailand, the language issue eng.

But I need help in my mod psp2000.

I have to go see this>>>>
** I like this.

My needs.
1. Be led on the button next to each lr 1 led.
2. Directional button and Button / \, [], X, O per side 1 led.
3. Be the umd door 2 led.
4. Be at the top of the other 2 led.

What I want to know.
1. The call to do what.
2. Must use transistors or hunting that year if the number anything.
3. Need a resistance (R) or hunting that year.

Thank you very much.

PS. If I err pardon Pro (I like slipknot).


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