Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) > PS3 Slim


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IM A NEW PS3 SLIM OWNER SOON  :dribble: my sister promised to help me buy it if i get good grades in school  :boxed: downsides i have to sell my 19" new dell monitor and my ipod and my "free" ti-84 calculator.

with all that sold i will have at least 200 and she can pay the rest :D

11th grade ftw 11th grade classes ftl

What games do you guys suggest i should get?

I was thinking about getting

Need For Speed Shift
Little Big Planet

Slim Hacker:
Oh yeah well im a new PS3 dev kit owner soon :P

ill believe it when you get it :)

Slim Hacker:
lol i wish i could afford it

ahha i wish i could afford that new zune hd on ebay, that 10,000 one right now its still going up to -.-.

well i have a buyer for the ipod :D just need the screen gone


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