Author Topic: Solved: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!  (Read 5336 times)

Offline daveaton

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I took a nice black working 2001 slim with CFW M33-6 and striped out all the guts and placed them in a pink 2001 slim case for my wife so she don't keep grabbing my psp.  Everything works except when I push home button and it prompts the question to exit the Game Yes or No.  I select YES but I can't push any button to confirm, so it just sits there and I can hear the game in the back ground, I can push home again and it returns to the game with no problem.  so when I change games I have to hard reset it by holding the power button for 20-30 seconds.

I was recommended to change out the home button bar, and I did with no effect.

I also reflashed the Dark Alex CFW M33-6 with no luck

During Game Play all the buttons seems to work, I use X and O alot during game play.

The only thing I can think of is that I messed up my mother board somehow ?

Has this happened to anyone else before ?  It's leaving me to scratch my head.  This is the first major work I have ever done on the psp.

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 05:08:30 PM by daveaton »

Offline ahdge

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Re: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 09:40:06 AM »
Sounds like a software/firmware issue. I have no real advice except for maybe suggesting you take a different route. You may have already tried, but I was thinking you could install a shell replacement like IRShell, it has a convenient HOME+SQUARE key bind that allows you to exit the program instantly back to IRShells XMB.

So it doesn't really solve your problem, but hopefully you'll be able to work around it if you so wish.

Goodluck bud.

Offline daveaton

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Re: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2009, 07:46:03 PM »
Well I figured out what was wrong..  It was a stuck left top button.  I had the PSP stored in a black felt case and I guess it was such a tight fit that it always mashed the left top button..

I loaded a game that used the top button, JAX and Dextor and I noticed that the world was always spinning to the left..

How I fixed it was I tore it back down, only removing the face plate and the screw on the left top button. I separated the plastic under the button and it solved the problem.  To but it back together I bent the it to a V shape and taped it back together and it works for now, I am going to order a replacement sticker button thing that goes under the top left button.

I almost threw this thing away several time and  now it works perfectly..  I have been stuck on this problem for almost 6 months, I could not believe it was this easy.

Offline psp339

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Re: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2009, 04:11:08 PM »
Well I figured out what was wrong..  It was a stuck left top button.  I had the PSP stored in a black felt case and I guess it was such a tight fit that it always mashed the left top button..

I loaded a game that used the top button, JAX and Dextor and I noticed that the world was always spinning to the left..

How I fixed it was I tore it back down, only removing the face plate and the screw on the left top button. I separated the plastic under the button and it solved the problem.  To but it back together I bent the it to a V shape and taped it back together and it works for now, I am going to order a replacement sticker button thing that goes under the top left button.

I almost threw this thing away several time and  now it works perfectly..  I have been stuck on this problem for almost 6 months, I could not believe it was this easy.

Can you explain how you fixed it? I don't get what you mean by bending it into a V-shape. I need to fix 3 slims because of this problem.

Offline daveaton

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Solved: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2009, 05:07:59 PM »
Well my problem was that a button was kept down.  I bought a PSP black felt case to store my psp in and I guess I never noticed it not working until I changed the outer case.

Well the top trigger was my problem and I loaded a game that would use these to identify which one was being pressed.. will this fix your issue I don't know.

But in my case I had a faulty top left trigger button.  I removed the top face only then removed the screw  holding the white tab that holds the plastic clear trigger on.  You will find a sticker like cable under the button, I carefully removed the sticky part holding it on to the psp.  so it's actually still attached by the other side.  Now if you look at the button part you will notice that it's kinda bent over and has a little tab like flap, carefully pull the flap back and you separate the button from the little contact.  I bent one part (with the rubber button) of the flap in a v shape, away from the contact.  I actually put a crease in it so when I fold the flap back over the contact it no longer is touching unless I tap the rubber part.  since this is a sticker anyway I matched up the edges and used some small strips of clear tape to re-sticker the edges back together.

I imagine that over time the sticky stuff looses it's stickiness and slips keeping the button pressed especially if it got hot (like it was left in a car?) and the button was pressed in a case.

Another option is just order some of these contacts there is a bunch sold on ebay. 

I talked to another buddy of mine that has the same problem, but this method did not fix it, he had to order the contact because when he tore his psp apart he did not know how to unhook the ribbon cable and just pulled it out, and damaging it in the process.  A new ribbon cable fixed his problem.

I had search google for over 5 months and there are no solutions as of yet, maybe this post will help others.  I never would have thought it was a stuck button and it just happened after I tore psp down and put it back together.

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Re: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2009, 05:10:17 PM »
Mine worked after I separated the top and bottom half then stuck it back together. But now I still have my last problem. The left and top buttons are always stuck while in game or homebrew. It works fine in the XMB but it games, it gets stuck.

Offline daveaton

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« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2009, 06:12:09 PM »

Mine was the say way, the XMB always worked fine, mostly because I dont' actually use the top left and right buttons in the XMB so I never noticed it until I got ready to run a game and tried to exit..

Load a game that needs the left and right buttons and plug in your psp after you fixed it or while your fixing it.. I actually plugged in my psp after I took the button apart, so I could test it before I put it back together.


Offline dlsmd

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Re: Solved: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2009, 01:52:58 PM »
thare is a tool that will show eny and all buttons that are being pushed i just cant remember what its called

Offline daveaton

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Re: Solved: Will not exit out of Home when playing games or watching movies!
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 06:58:43 PM »
Yes a PSP tool to see which buttons are being pushed would be great for modders.  I thought I have seen this some where also..

Here is a tutorial on how to control the inputs, I bet it would not be hard to make.

I think I do remember one done along time ago near 3.70 firmware time frame.. maybe 05 or late 06.. I can't find it now.



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