hi guys i've finally made my ultimate gears pad
(i've wanted to do this for a while)
ok i started with the usual pic's leds resistors and stuff :

a black elite pad
a set of gears stickers
a left over can of red spray
(from my 1986 austin rover 998 mini mayfair body repair)
a ps2 pad
and a old/original xbox pad.
a couple of open source codes (thanks hazer and lugnut/prolisc)
to start with i sprayed the bottom peice by the mic insert red
swapped out the grey dpad for the black one from a original xbox
swapped the grey anologs for nice black mushroom top ps2 sticks.
(there a tad bigger then 360 sticks so i set my in game sensitivity setting a little higher to compensate to the very small restriction on movement. i find them alot better then 360 sticks)
stuck the gears stickers on the pad.
installed a 3 button programmable rapid fire (lugnut/prolisc's code) to the triggers and pl4 led
i then took hazers opensource 4mode on button code (i tried the stealth it didnt work)
programed all 4 speeds to 10sps (i guessed this would be fast enough for wot i was trying)
and used it to make a rf B on the back of the pad
i did this by wiring it like so
i left all the outputs for the right trigger, LED and button off no need for them
(and it didnt seem to work on the right trigger output)
wired up the left led to pl3 led
and the left trigger output to the ground for B (well the via for it)
then i wireed the output that would go to the left button then ground to the middle pin on the sycn button ( i did this to minimise extra buttons as there is already 4 on the back now)
then as a finishing touch a changed the ring to red added red led's to the dome and backlit the triggers with red leds aswell.
and there you go a gears of war pad.

the pad

the extra buttons

the ROL and dome

the triggers

and the anologs and dpad
im really happy with this pad
thanks to all on here who's threads and post's helped me make my new pad cheers acidmods