Author Topic: ABXY button question  (Read 1498 times)

Offline lilunwl

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ABXY button question
« on: October 25, 2009, 01:09:31 PM »
Ok I have been searching for an answer to this but have yet to find it. I seen a similar post and they said to look at mikes power saver diagram. Which is what I did I think.... If they meant the rapid fire power saver pics then yes I did that.
   Basically I am curious to know if there is a way to power the abxy buttons with leds without using an on and off switch on the matrix controller. If I hook the power up to the direct power it stays on at all times. If I hook it to the solder point above that one the leds stay on but dim when I shut the controller off. The point all the way to the left below the trigger pot doesnt light them. I am using all white leds. Any help would be great.

Offline blackburn

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Re: ABXY button question
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 01:17:57 PM »
youll more than likely need a transistor to do this, as the only on/off points on the matrix controllers only supply 2.8v-3v when white LEDs require 3v-3.8v

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Offline lilunwl

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Re: ABXY button question
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 05:24:11 PM »
Ok I am rather a newb when it comes to transistors and alot of other components. What will the transistor do and how do I find out which one to use?
The on and off point below the trigger pot only puts out 2.0vlts. The one in the center above the + battery terminal is the power I need 3 volts but it stays on when the controller is off. It dims the leds when I turn it off but does not shut them off. The white LEDs I am using are 3.4 fv however 3 volts does power them sufficently. Is there any 3 volt on/off points on the matrix board? Is there any way to get away from adding a separate on/off switch on the matrix board. I understand the CG board has 3v on/off points. Thank you all in advance,.

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Re: ABXY button question
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 08:36:28 PM »
in short the matrix boaed is bad.... for any mods

u can get red and yellow led's turning of with the 2v supply under the trigger
but other then that there is no 3v switching(turns on and off with the pad) supply.

i find led mods are best on the CG as the 3v just above the +battery terminal is switching so your led's turn off with the pad...

if your stuck with a matrix pad try using a trasitor to switch them on and off
not sure wot type to use and im not sure how to wire it. i think the base will go on the 2v and the collector wil go on te constant3 then the emiter to the leds??????????
sorry this aint much help....
some1 please correct me if im wrong.....

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Offline lilunwl

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Re: ABXY button question
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2009, 05:52:08 PM »
I tried 2 tansistors tonight with no success. I tried 2n2222 and the 2n4401 transistors and with one of them the LEDs flickered very very dimmly. How do I know which transistor to use? Is there some type of calculator like with LEDs/resistors???? I could not find one. Please if someone can help me with this that has done it or just knows what I need to do PLEASEEEEEEEEE Help me...Lol ..SPURGURGLE THANK YOU very much thus far for all your help. If you have any other suggestions I am all ears!!!!!! I greatly appreciate everything you have helped me with so far.

Offline blackburn

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Re: ABXY button question
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 04:48:56 PM »
wire the middle pin(base) of the transistor and a 1.8k resistor to the bottom pin of the left trigger, a 3v source to the collector and your LEDs to the emitter

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Offline lilunwl

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Re: ABXY button question
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2009, 10:20:43 AM »
Wow this turned into a bigger problem than I thought LoL. Anyways I tried this way and Still getting the same results. I have checked around alot and from what I am gathering is it cannot be done without an on and off switch and wired directly to the 3vlt power. The CG board on the other hand has switched 3 vlt pins. I actually did this on another one of my controllers which was a CG and everything worked out. If anyone gets this to work on a matrix please let me know. blackburn thank you for all your help and suggestions. I greatly appreciate it.

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Re: ABXY button question
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2009, 11:42:30 AM »
no problem, if you have any other questions feel free to PM me. And sorry to hear that it didnt work out for you  :cry2:

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