Author Topic: Need much bigger car  (Read 2728 times)

Offline treemty

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Need much bigger car
« on: October 16, 2010, 07:40:15 PM »
SUp yall,
been a while hasn't it?
Well, I'm getting my learners permit soon, and I need to buy myself a car, and my parental units are not going to help me pay for it, so I've been looking for a while.
Here's the thing, I am getting my dads Subaru '93 legacy luxury edition, but the it needs a new ac compressor as well as 2 new speakers for the doors, and the right passenger door only opens from the inside. This car is pretty cool and all, but it's not really sufficient for my needs. As you may or may not know, I am a musician, I play Tuba, Upright bass, and electric bass...Most of which take up, a lot of space lol. SO, I need to get something that will fit these, and if I need 4-5 ppl.

tl;dr: I need a car that will fit a tuba, upright bass and a electric bass rig, as well as multiple passengers.

Price range: I would like it to be less than $15,000, if less than $10,000 would be best.

What I've been looking at:
Ford F-150, 8 foot bed and 4door cab
SOme random station wagons
other pickups/suvs and what not...
Well if you guys could help me out, I know a lot of you already have cars and drive and I figured y'all could help a brotha out.

In case you are wondering, an upright bass is usually 6-7 feet tall, about 2.5 feet accross and a foot depth.

My dad says I should get an old VW bus, like he used to have, but im not sure how much those go for...
also, this is basically what I have:

Post Merge: October 16, 2010, 07:46:07 PM
Also, I play in a three piece metal band(drums, guitar, bass) and I will most likely have to move :censored: around
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 07:46:08 PM by treemty »

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Re: Need much bigger car
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 08:01:40 PM »
I'd say any kind of SUV would work, or one of those Volvo station wagons, those are pretty roomy

Offline jrfhoutx

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Re: Need much bigger car
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 08:44:34 PM »
skip the SUV unless you want insane gas consumption. Skip the old VW bus unless you like being broken down on the side of the road all the time, are a mechanic, or enjoy not being able to go faster than 60mph. In the $10-15k range I would say go with a station wagon (newer model like a VW jetta or a volvo) or one of the newer crossovers, or a minivan (though they dont get the best mileage either, but better than an SUV usually). another I would recommend (as long as you dont mind the styling) is a scion xB or something similar.

edit: the old VW bus is very roomy and a 70s or 80s model is way under your 10k price range usually, unless its been fully restored and in mint condition....
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 08:03:45 AM by jrfhoutx »
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Offline Rodent

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Re: Need much bigger car
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2010, 07:08:43 AM »
chevy suburban or chevy 1/2 ton pick up or 3/4 ton chevy truck 350 engine good gas milage for truck or suburban 15 city is what i get and about 20 to 22 highway... if i keep my foot out it. and can get a decent price if you shop around.$5000 to about $8000 1995 to 2000

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