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Call of Duty 5 patch killer revealed

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For 3 days now, someone in the X-S forums has finally posted publicaly the secret to the CODWAW patch. Its amazing how underwhelming it is over there. So without any further delay, here it is for the Acidmods community:

25% Duty Cycle.  Thats it.  

Here is the theory:

When you press the trigger, no matter how fast your finger is the voltage looks like a sawtooth signal (represented in black). The standard opensource signal is a squarewave, which we all know gets caught by Treyarchs patch at 8 SPS. Well, if you look closely at the threshold voltage, it is very close to the released voltage of the controller. So in reality, a person pressing the trigger with thier finger would cross this state at two different time intervals. In otherwords, the 'pressed' state would be on much longer than the 'released' state. It is assumed that Treyarchs patch counts X number of shots and then checks to see how long the trigger was released in ms. Quite simply, a 25% duty cycle signal was all that was ever needed to have a 'undetectable' rapidfire on World at War.

So without delay, here is BMU3 and GameRF2 with the included means to make rapidfire undetectable in COD5. Currently the 2nd mode (BMU3) or 3rd mode (GRF2) have the 25%dutycycle code on the right trigger logic (dont need it on left trigger).

Edit: Due to quick copy-and-paste without testing, the first file download did not deliver. But now I have finished testing on BurnMeUp3 on CG and MX. As an added bonus, I included the burst code also. I will do a quick post on how to use it (only the last COD4 mode is default on, you have to remove the comments in order to enable the other three modes). I will get to GamePlayRF2 as soon as I can.


acidmods hosted backup files files:  bmu3


acidmods hosted backup files files: gameplay rf 2:

By using a capacitor on the original codes, you could come close to the same effect, but you would never be able to perfectly match a capacitor to the varying trigger pots tuning range.

Other attempts at creating analog wavesignal generator outputs would also perform the same effect, and had the best chance of consistancy, although it is really quite overkill.

And the jitter codes was simply offsetting the 'release' time just enough to make you think that it made the RF faster, but in reality what happened was the crossing of the threashold voltage was less frequent since jitter code basically 'randomly' adds time to the press and release states (thus the RF signal was actually slower).

So in the end, 4 lines of asm code was all that was needed to make a controller undectable. I apologize for the wait folks, but I really wanted to see if someone would finally come up with it on thier own and share it instead of keeping it to themselves. Quite a few people did figure it out, but until 3 days ago nobody shared it.

So you can all give thanks to robbo3 @ X-S for finally giving back.

This is what I get for copying and pasting without testing. I am sorry guys, I do not have an original wiring setup anymore (they are all wired for the final version). I just saw that by trying to condition for the mode 2/3, I basically wipred out the work register nad the dwell is getting cut in half without adding the FREQR back in. I will fix this this weekend. I may have to rewire a controller for this again to make sure. I will condition the mode before branching to the pulse routine, or something else.

Give me a couple of days and I will reup the files.

cool cool hazer nice 1 :tup:

i thought is was me being dumb and not doing it right lol

Hazer dont worry about it and ya it was being retarted for me aswell.

BurnMeUp3 is now tested. I only included the sleeper pics this time, I dont plan to test the external tact versions.

As a bonus, I included the burst code too.

In the default asm, only the last mode (COD4) uses it, but the code is in all 3 active states, they are just commented out. In order to activate them, here is what you do:

Change this:

--- Code: ---Continue01
btfsc STATER, 6
goto State4
movlw FIRERATE2 ;state 3
movwf FREQR
;   bsf    FLAGS, BURSTACTIVE   ;uncomment to activate burstfire for state 3
;   movlw     0X04 ;set for 5 rounds, change to whatever you want
;    movwf     BURSTRATE
bcf FLAGS, LEDON ;turn off LED 1/2 sec
movlw 0x0A
movwf TEMP3
call Wait10ms

--- End code ---

to this:

--- Code: ---Continue01
btfsc STATER, 6
goto State4
movlw FIRERATE2 ;state 3
movwf FREQR
bsf FLAGS, BURSTACTIVE   ;uncomment to activate burstfire for state 3
movlw 0X04 ;set for 5 rounds, change to whatever you want
bcf FLAGS, LEDON ;turn off LED 1/2 sec
movlw 0x0A
movwf TEMP3
call Wait10ms

--- End code ---

The number of shots per burst is entered as one less than desired. i.e.- if you want 5 round burst, enter a value of 0x04 into BURSTRATE. This is because burst code does not activate until it sees the trigger pulled which means one shot has already been fired. The counter will RF 4 more times and wait for the trigger to be released.


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