Author Topic: Nunchuck 2 LED mod - issues  (Read 3037 times)

Offline Squeck

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Nunchuck 2 LED mod - issues
« on: October 19, 2009, 05:17:32 AM »
Hello everybody, i put a RGB LED in my Nunchuk and it works. I put another one, it worked but there wasn't enough space to close the controller. So i decided to put a 0603 SMD LED instead of the 2nd 3mm one, but... They don't work together!

So... 2 3mm led work together, but 1 3mm led and one smd led don't! What's the problem? Should I put any resistors? I searched online for LED Calculators but I haven't understand how to use them.

Here's a pic of my install (only the 3mm led).

Here are the LED specs.

3mm LED:

Source Material: InGaN
Emitting Colour: Red / Green / Blue
Size: 3mm
Intensity (mcd): 5000-7000
Viewing Angle (deg): 20
Forward Voltage (V): 3.4-3.6
Forward Current (mA): 20-30

Source Material: AlGaInP
Emitting Colour: Red
Emitting Wavelength (nm): 620-630
Size: 1.2 x 0.8 mm
Intensity (mcd): 70-110
Viewing Angle (deg): 120
Forward Voltage (V): 1.8-2.4
Forward Current (mA): 20-30 

Thank you.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 05:28:34 AM by Squeck »

Offline Modded Matt

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Re: Nunchuck 2 LED mod - issues
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 05:35:58 AM »
there is no reason they wont work together, the smd has a lower forward voltage, you may have its polartity revesed? or during soldering you may have damaged it. I find that when I solder wires to smd's I loose about 1/3 of them due to over heating, the lense just melts and slides off.

also, I would check the supply voltage of the nunchuck and use a resistor to limit the power to the smd led, you may have blew it with too much power, unfortunatly I dont work on wii parts so I dont know the supply off the top of my head.

lastly, welcome to the site, I hope you find the answers you need, if you dont hear something that helps PM me and I wil move this to the wii section. if all else fails I will open my nunchuck.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 05:37:41 AM by modded matt »

Offline Squeck

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Re: Nunchuck 2 LED mod - issues
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2009, 05:47:55 AM »
The SMD led works, if i desolder the 3mm one it works.

But when I put the 3mm one, only one works.

I put a 10K resistor on the smd led and now they work together, but the smd light is very weak, not enough for what I want to do.

I can't check the forward voltage because i don't have any instruments to do that.

Many thanks for your help and I'm sorry if my english isn't very good but I'm from italy.

Offline Modded Matt

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Re: Nunchuck 2 LED mod - issues
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2009, 06:27:12 AM »
running in series or paralell?

Offline Squeck

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Re: Nunchuck 2 LED mod - issues
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2009, 06:36:10 AM »
lol I'm so noob, I used 4 wires, 2 for each led, without any resistors. I'll take a look at that link and let you know.

EDIT: Ok, I read it but I have some questions. The 3mm LED specs say:
Forward Voltage (V): 3.4-3.6

But I can run one and even 2 w/ 2 AA batteries (1.5V each)

So I can't calculate the correct resistor value for this LED.

Another edit: I put a blue smd led and it worked without any resistance. Take a look at the result here: Nuncuck - 2 LED Mod.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 11:10:54 AM by Squeck »


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