So some of you may know that in mid July I sent out my laptop to dell to be repaired. You may also know that they ended up shipping it to the wrong address and sending me a new lappy to make up for it. I thought it was all well and good, until I got a phone call a week later about me needing to send back the old laptop. I immediately called Dell and explained the situation to the representative, who told me that it would all be taken care of, and that I have nothing to worry about. Since then I have received around 30 phone calls (since I got the lappy in September) about them not getting there lappy. Each time they called I explained the situation to them, and I was told that it would be taken care of, and that I needn't worry about it, the most recent time I was talking to the managers managers supervisor. Today (just checked the mail about 20 minutes ago) I received a letter saying that all support for my laptop has been cut off until they get the laptop they were supposed to get.

?! Is this harrassment? Can I contact the BBB about this? What should I do? (I already sent them an email, but idk what else I should do, because I feel that they should not be able to get away with this) anyone else dealt with something like this in the past? any tips?