Author Topic: Faceplate  (Read 1913 times)

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« on: December 17, 2009, 05:15:51 PM »
I need to know if a psp 2000 faceplate and backplate will fit on a psp 3000. Because I know they are the same size, but I noticed from videos the psp 2000's buttons (the start, select, ect) are a bit different than the 3000's. I am not sure if it will fit. :beg:

Offline Vlad

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Re: Faceplate
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 10:40:52 AM »
I need to know if a psp 2000 faceplate and backplate will fit on a psp 3000. Because I know they are the same size, but I noticed from videos the psp 2000's buttons (the start, select, ect) are a bit different than the 3000's. I am not sure if it will fit. :beg:

The 2000 faceplate and 2000 buttons will fit on the 3000 but you can't use the 2000 home bar buttons on the 3000 faceplate and vice versa. You may need to dremmel the backplate but it will probably fit perfectly. I like the 2000 better. The 3000 looks better but the silver 3000 has cheap paint. You'll need to make a little hole for the microphone on the 2000 faceplate. See the little hole on the 3000 faceplate to the right of the volume + button?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 10:42:14 AM by Vlad »
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