Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) > PS3 Slim
No such thing as a PS3 Slim?
Well GAME over here call this new PS3 the PS3 "slim".
Well looking on the Sony site, there is no such thing. It is just the latest PS3 console. My PS2 Slim said slimline on the box. My new PS3 just says Sony PS3.
Your views?
Shame it's too expensive to mod. :whoosh:
Time to pull apart the DS.
Thats the thing, you are correct. its the same deal as the "Playstation" and "the Playstation ONE" its a slim, but its just called the number instead of the full name so instead of "Playstation 3" it is the "PS3"
Nothing is too expensive to mod =D
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