Ok heres the story i was playing mw2 then i

got the ylod again this ps3 was a refurb from sony on april 2009 cause my original got the ylod too soo i reflowed my ps3 then works now and im

tired of the ylod so now i want to trade my ps3 that yloded but (fixed) to gamestop. I will trade it in for a slim.. how much do u think is the value of my 60GB ps3.. and how much will i add towards the slim
*i dont want to sell it because it might ylod on the buyer and i dont want to deal with the problem
*My ps3 is a 60GB ps3 with box manual ds3 controller av cable and power cord
*I know the slim is ugly and cheap looking and has alot of the features from the 60gb missing but i dont care anymore i love my 60gb ps3 but i cant stand the ylod
*i dont want to get it get a refurb from sony for $150+tax because it will ylod again for sure
soo yea thanks!! and