Author Topic: My experience with King Mike  (Read 2543 times)

Offline sean7341

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My experience with King Mike
« on: November 06, 2009, 06:10:28 PM »
Awhile ago, I had sent Mike, a few controllers, and a RROD xbox 360.  He was going to mod everything, and send them back.  This was when the store was having problems and a good amount of orders were not being filled.  I, like a few others, didn't receive anything in the mail, and whenever I talked to mike he seemed busy and like he had a lot on his plate.  I had done a good amount of business with him before(a bunch of controllers, parts, etc. sent both ways) and we had never had a problem.  Everything I bought from him was shipped out very fast, sometimes even while I was still on the phone with him.  When I wasn't receiving things in the mail, I knew he must be having problems.  I knew him enough to know he is a great guy, and definitely, definitely not a scammer.

Recently, I have been talking to him about getting all my things back.  He has been nothing but helpful, even though we all know he must be busy with the new store.  He knew I was stressed about not having my stuff back and being out of money, so he overnight shipped me one of his best intensafire controllers before they were released to show me he wasn't stealing my stuff and was working on getting all my stuff back.  Today he sent me tracking information for the last few things I need back from him.  He is sending me a brand new modded xbox even though I sent him a RROD box that is probably worth nothing, and a brand new intensafire controller.  It took a little bit, but he came through, LIKE HE ALWAYS DID!  After all this time, I am getting my moneys worth!

Mike is not a scammer, he is not trying to rob any of you.  Things happened, and orders got delayed.  He told me straight he has been refilling orders for the last 6 months.  Even now, after waiting for a good amount of time to get my stuff back, and being afraid of losing everything I sent, I would still do business with him.  NO ONE should feel doubtful about buying something from the store or doing anything with mike.  He is an overall trustworthy guy.

Offline dedafmonteur

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Re: My experience with King Mike
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2009, 10:36:11 PM »
cool to hear some good things about the shop:)


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