Author Topic: PSP Trouble Shooting  (Read 1432 times)

Offline Thorax

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PSP Trouble Shooting
« on: September 28, 2009, 04:56:20 AM »
Hey everyone! It's been a long time since last I was on and I finally have a mod done. Well, I've had it done for a while but some problems came up after I finished and I haven't bothered to try fixing them. Anywho, I did the ring of light mod (2 Blue LEDs) and put Blue LEDs in the shoulder buttons, all running off the speakers. After I put it back together, it started working, but only a few features work. First off, I broke the black tab off both the mobos I own. I eventually got it to work on one of them by putting a bit of electrical tape on the back of the LCD backlight ribbon. But now I have it together and I have three main problems. The analog WILL NOT work, under any circumstances. I can't charge and use Wi-Fi at the same time, but as soon as I unplug the charger, it works perfectly. Third problem is that the battery discharges if its in the PSP, even when it is totally off. Thanks for any help.

Post Merge: September 29, 2009, 05:12:15 AM
Any ideas?

Post Merge: September 29, 2009, 04:28:35 PM
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 04:28:35 PM by Thorax »

Offline Markolise

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Re: PSP Trouble Shooting
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2009, 10:15:25 AM »
This is perplexing, first off it sounds like you have a short somewhere thats draining your battery, which could also be the problem your having with charging while trying to use wifi.
Can you post some pictures of your psp and mod work, specifically the wiring and stuff.


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