Hey, I'm ModderDmo, my real name is Devin. You can call me Devin or Dmo, it doesn't matter which. I'm 18 and I live in Oregon, USA. I'm very much a car guy, was raised to praise cars, mainly Chevrolet's. I've always been modifying things, but my Playstation 3 was my first console mod. Right now I'm just working and doing anything I can to earn an extra buck. I'm weighing my options on what I want to do, whether I want to join the U.S. Marine Corps., U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, or just get a student loan and go to my local community college. I'm not in much of a hurry, but I did take my ASVAB (68 if anyone cares). I would like to become either a mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, or a graphic designer. I'm very easy to talk to, so if you have a question just ask me, I usually have an answer. I'm glad to be a member of the Acid Mods community and I will try my best to give easy-to-understand and accurate information.