Author Topic: PS3 DS3 0603 question(s)...  (Read 1630 times)

Offline TrEzNoR

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PS3 DS3 0603 question(s)...
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:51:18 PM »
Hello all, new to modding altho putting in leds isn't much of a mod.
I just have a question about the PS button Led, I was wondering how many different ways that the led can be hooked up?
I wanted the led to light up with the player indicator lights.
Should I be using 0603? or the 3mm leds? and which is the better choice?

I am also not sure where I can post the pics of what I have done so far?
Would like to share and get feed back on the things that have been done and that will be done.
Got so many ideas so far from this site  :winker: save those for another thread or as finished.

Thanks for any help on the questions.

Offline alman101

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Re: PS3 DS3 0603 question(s)...
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2009, 09:00:52 PM »
there is a ton of different locations a PS button led can be soldered to. I would recommend a 0603 if you have the skill to solder that small, but if this is your first mod i'd stick with a trusty 3mm led

'09 summer mod-off winner

Offline TrEzNoR

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Re: PS3 DS3 0603 question(s)...
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2009, 12:40:37 PM »
Thanks alman101 for the quick response, and merry christmas.

well actually this was my first soldering job and have done the player indicator lights already, and tried the middle PS button but cannot get it to work.
I was wondering if the 0603 led can be soldered to the same as the following thread?,33631.0.html
should I have a resistor if I put the 0603 led on the same as above?

what I tried was from this tut online
the thing I didn't do according to the tut is I only used 1 led instead of 4.
the thing is with this tut it doesn't work, when I turn the controller on the PS button flashes like the player lights, but then when its set to player one it doesn't stay on, also I tried to put the controller to other players but the indicators don't work...


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