Author Topic: Wired Matrix Controller Button/Analog Traces  (Read 4981 times)

Offline RDC

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Wired Matrix Controller Button/Analog Traces
« on: January 14, 2010, 07:46:54 PM »
Because of the way the Matrix controller's buttons are laid out it can be a real mess to swap them around. It's recommended to use the Wired CL version of controller if you want to do that kind of thing.




Here are most of the TP spots, the ones ya can use anyway. Again because of the Matrix layout on this board it doesn't have one for every spot, just these..

TP2 - Ground
TP6 - Common for DR, Back and LSC
TP7 - Analog Voltage, 1.6v (Switched)
TP10 - Light Rumble
TP11 - Heavy Rumble
TP12 - 5v
TP16 - USB D-
TP17 - USB D+
TP18 - 5v
TP19 - USB D- (After R5, 22ohm)
TP20 - USB D+ (After R6, 22ohm)
TP21 - RSY
TP22 - RSX
TP23 - LSY
TP24 - LSX
TP25 - Common for DD, DU and RB
TP26 - Common for DL and LB
TP27 - Common for A, X and RSC
TP31 - LB
TP33 - RB
TP34 - Start
TP35 - Back
TP36 - Common for Guide and Start
TP37 - LT1
TP38 - RT1
TP42 - A
TP43 - X
TP44 - B
TP45 - Common for Y and B
TP46 - Y

TP100 - Ground
TP101 - Ground
TP102 - Ground
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 09:53:16 PM by RDC »
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