Author Topic: no diisplay after case change  (Read 845 times)

Offline falcro

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no diisplay after case change
« on: January 31, 2010, 05:36:16 AM »
Today I got my red case for my PSP 1000, took it all out looked everything over and noticed the promised new screws were missing  as I have a PSP for parts this was no big deal, so I proceeded to take it apart.   Everything went well untill I disoneccted the AC power plug on the motherboard, so I try to solder it no luck I call afew repair ppl and finally find one that will try resoldering it.  took him like 30 seconds and it was reattatched.  No charge too that was nice! Got home and put the rest of the parts on the table changed the UMD drive over and reassembled the unit.  it powers up with the battery or the AC attachec but all I can see is a short flash of "light" on the egdge of the screen.  Othere than that it is all black.  if I put in a game it will go to the opening for the game, meaning  can hear the intro music but that is all this is my first time doing anything like this and now it appeasrs I may have two useless PSP's on my hands,  does anyone have any idea what mistake ob my part would cause this.  I did take it apart a second time just to check all the connections which all seem to be fine.. help a dummy out here I miss my  baby.  Thanks in advance for your time and considerarion,

Best Regards,


Offline dippkpmann

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Re: no diisplay after case change
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2010, 10:42:27 AM »
backlight fuse? try and see if you can see the display at an angle in the sunlight or light


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