Heya Peeps....
For anyone wanting to attempt this i have put this together.
if you dont understand part of it just let me know and ill try elaborate and edit this first post.
PSP Mod vu meter, Rumble, Speaker mod and Trigger LightsTime:-This mod in total took me about 7 hrs
Tools Required:- Fine tipped soldering iron, Dremmel, Hot Glue Gun, lots of Patience
I have only done this mod on psp 2000's with white case as it is Translucent enough for the light to be seen without drilling through.
other cases may require you to drill holes where the leds are placed.
Parts Required

VU Mod:- LB1443N, pnp transistor
pn2907a , 10k potentiometer, 10k resistor, SMD Leds
Rumble Mod:- rumble motor, pnp transistor
Get some 0.3mm copper wire OR a piece of very thin copper strip, and solder your smd leds ( positive end ) on to it evenly spaced.
now use the 0.2mm wire and connect them together as the red lines show.
also solder a wire to the copper strip.
If you try use any thicker wire here you will struggle to get the psp cover back on.

now take the psp front and dremmel out enough plastic so the leds sit in holes and leave the copper strip flush.

Notice all the wires running out of the top left.
Now get your hot glue gun and run it down the whole strip. 1. to keep it in place and 2. to stop the copper strip touching the screen back as the copper strip will be permanent Live.
Now strip the rest of your psp down to remove the main board.
place chip and potentiometer as in the picture ( rumble motor If Required )

OK Now go make a coffee and take a Brake.................
take a pnp transistor and wire as follows.
collector:- to chassis ( ground )
base:- to Power LED drive transistor ( See Pictures Below for location )
emitter:- to pin 5 on the VU chip
and place in space here....

now run a wire from Battery positive to pin 9 on the VU chip.
connect the 10k resistor across pins 5 and 7 of the VU chip
connect pin 8 of the VU chip to wiper of the 10k potentiometer.
connect one side of the 10k potentiometer to ground and connect the other side to the right hand pad of the right hand speaker.
now connect LEDs as follows:--

RUMBLE MOD:- connect pnp transistor as follows
collector:- pin 9 of VU chip
emmiter:- positive wire of rumble motor
base:- to resistor ( value dependent on pnp transistor type )
resistor to pin 4 or 6 of the VU chip
rumble motor negative to Chassis ( Ground )

Data sheet for the VU chip can be found here
http://www.leeds-laptop-repairs.co.uk/mods/datasheet.pdfGood luck