Author Topic: R&D's February Monthly Update  (Read 6441 times)

Offline laxboy

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R&D's February Monthly Update
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:35:02 AM »
                    Research & Development
Hello  fellow Acidmodders and welcome to the first monthly update/leak from the R&D team.

             What we will be seeing this month

   First off Lets give a hand to Spurgurgle with his upcoming T0pPad Controller, for the xbox 360. This controller features  4 different pic chips each coded to do their own unique mod. This controller consist of 3 12f683 pics,  and one slightly larger chip. It’s still a secret.

One  T0pfire code: available here

One T0p2toner: this code is still in development, made  for one of  the R&D members. This code can be seen in a test  video here
 YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

One  T0pFlasher: Found here. This code is a unique 7 mode chaser code, originally made for the ABXY buttons.  Spurgurgle will use t0ps code and add it to his controller in a unique way. Many of you may ask where this code will be, well you’ll have to wait and see.

Finally the 4th chip: sorry to say is still classified.

Spurgurgle puts a new name to modding the xbox 360 controllers, this is one that will go down in the history books. Here is the first preview picture

  Onto another project of spurgurgle's. Named the psp/360 d-pad hybred

   Ok we all know that the Xbox 360’s d-pad is a pain to use, well this month comes a revolutionary mod that could well be the end of the faulty d-pad.  Spurgurgle came across a alternative method  of  the d-pad that  removes it completely.  Many of you may ask how is that possible? Well  using a psp nub spurgurgle  has managed to completely replace the d pad and put a new perspective on the workings of the  d-pad,  Who knows what else this crazy Modder can come up with. pspnub test 1.MOV
 you can find spurgurgles full thread here

Alright what has 12 rumble packs and is mobile? Jrfhoutx’s new rumble vest is! Featuring 12 rumble packs donated by a fellow acidmodder. The vest contains 4 sections of rumble packs put together in a parallel circuit.  Running off of a separate battery the vest drains no power from your controller  allowing the motors to run at a higher voltage for a bigger kick.  The vest connects to the controller using a usb to mini usb cable allowing a easy connection between the vest and your controller,  what a creative way  of using  rumble packs. This mod is sure to spark the acidmods fashion scene.

       Well as  you could see above Spurgurlge  did a amazing job with his psp-nub without using a razor board.  Originally posted by Wetfusion, Spurgurlge decided that he would put how he did the mod  into a AM formatted tutorial. available here , the tutorial  goes in depth on how to  create the psp nub mod. Keep up the good work  Spurgurlge, Wetfusion.

   Credits go to all members of the R&D, Wetfusion for some insperation in one of the mods.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 11:33:10 AM by spurgurgle »

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 09:44:14 AM »
Great read , thanks for the update :)
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Offline rafaliyo86

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 11:18:20 AM »
This will be great!!! A job worth admiring

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 02:18:59 AM »
thanks for the update!
If you do this every month this could be a pretty sweet "online newsletter"

Offline spurgurgle

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2010, 03:24:17 AM »
thanks for the update!
If you do this every month this could be a pretty sweet "online newsletter"

yeah we're  hopefully going to be making a news leak every month, as long as we get projects done each month to put in it... else it'll be a boring read lol

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
Spurgurgle d.t com
"I'm kinda like a typo, not quite right, but most people still understand me"

Offline laxboy

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2010, 04:56:19 AM »
JoblessPunk thats the plane =)

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2010, 01:35:04 PM »
cool, cool,

Jumbo and I are working on something, hopefully we will have it done by the end of the month. idk if it would qualify for the R&D department but it will bring something to its next level and hopefully news worthy in other peoples eyes ;)

Offline TokyoDrift

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 05:53:19 AM »
your controller mod is nice but i guess you could do all of these things on one µc. Well, tbh I'm not familiar with pics but ATMEL's ATmegas have some timer interrupts (PICs just HAVE to have a timer, too). I know PICs are a little slower than ATmegas but at 20MHz they're very powerfull either. The LED chasing thing needs maybe two interrupts per second and the ISR can be very short since you just have to check what mode is enabled, what state your are in and then toggle some pins. I have no idea how fast rapid fire goes, but on 10MHz and 1000 hits per second you have 10.000 clock cycles to do the rapid fire thing and do some other stuff. On an AVR the rapidfire ISR is maybe 15 clock cycles. I'm not sure how the LED stuff works, MAYBE you just connected the real LED lines to the PIC and toggle the LEDs with the PIC, then you could use an external interrupt, however, this takes almost no CPU load either. I don't know what your 4th mod is, but with some tricks (interrupts instead of one programm) you could do at least 3 of 4 mods on one chip.

Offline spurgurgle

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 06:24:15 AM »
cheers tokyo...

yeah im sure we could do all of the mods on one chip... but would you be able to fit a chip of that size in a pad????

at least with the four smaller chips i can place then in different areas depending on their purpose....

and im making this pad as a demo of what can be done with soem of t0ps code's....hence the name t0pPaD lol

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
Spurgurgle d.t com
"I'm kinda like a typo, not quite right, but most people still understand me"

Offline TokyoDrift

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 06:43:25 AM »
tbh i dob't have any idea about how much space is inside the controller
the chip does not need to be that big though
like...4 pins for the abxy leds, 6 pins for the ring (?), 2 pins for rapidfire, some for the mode buttons and power, that's maybe 20 pins
PIC16F631 has 20 pins (18 I/O) and is in SSOP package only less then 8x8mm (0.3"x0.3")
it has a 16bit and a 8 bit timer, 2 compare modes, it has an internal 8MHz oscillator (up to 20MHz if you use 2 IO pins for clock input)
5 MIPS at 20MHz (?), that makes 2,000,000 instructions per second at 8MHz, so if u have 1,000 rapidfire presses per second you have 2,000 instructions to finish off rapidfire AND do something else...that's enough huh?
isn't that small enough to fit into the controller?

Offline t0pP8uZz

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Re: R&D\'s February Monthly Update
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2010, 09:02:46 PM »
Dont forget to clean things up.

Would look soo much better as i said before.


Research & Development
Hello fellow Acidmodders and welcome to the first monthly update/leak from the R&D team.

What we will be seeing this month

First off Lets give a hand to Spurgurgle with his upcoming T0pPad Controller, for the xbox 360. This controller features  4 different pic chips each coded to do their own unique mod. This controller consist of 3 12f683 pics,  and one slightly larger chip. It’s still a secret.

you get the jist of it, always give pictures videos a good header etc too! just makes it actually look good and worth reading.

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 09:03:09 PM
also with bbcode make sure you always do text color and type then center/align it last.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 09:03:09 PM by t0pP8uZz »

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2010, 03:54:53 PM »
Yes t0p thats well put together to make the text jump out so people will read it.

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Offline spurgurgle

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Re: R&D's February Monthly Update
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2010, 05:06:17 AM »
yeah top i agree with that.... ill make sure the next one has a better look to it before making it public..... not that there's much news for april lol....

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
Spurgurgle d.t com
"I'm kinda like a typo, not quite right, but most people still understand me"


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