Author Topic: My Go-Cam doesn't work?  (Read 2107 times)

Offline TheSuperHack3r

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My Go-Cam doesn't work?
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:46:06 PM »
Hey, before i start off i just want to say i am new to this forum and i really like the look of it, i can't wait to look around.

I got a go-cam and i also got a psp 2000 with CFW, i have got  5.00 M33 - 4 firmware. When i plug my psp in to the top of my psp, of course nothing happens so i go to the camera button on the psp and click it. It then freezes my psp and then it turns it self off and makes a funny clicking sound?

Has anyone got any ideas? If you are not sure what i am talking about i can upload a video and show you.

Thanks a lot! :D

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Re: My Go-Cam doesn't work?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 12:52:12 PM »
wow thats weird. try re-installing the firmware

thanks toad and indy for the sigglys

Offline TheSuperHack3r

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Re: My Go-Cam doesn't work?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 01:15:43 PM »
yer i have already tried that....

I am just worried about the clicking thing when it turns off. When ever i use a nitepr cheat or something like that and a cheat goes wrong, it freezes and turns off and then makes a clicking sound. I hope it isn't damaging anything.

Has anyone else got the same firware as me and have the go-cam? The go-cam is not broken...

EDIT: For some reason my psp's Go-Cam suddenly worked..... I have had a play about and found out that the clicking sound was the speaker. When it crashes it clicks and this is the last bit of power draining to the speakers to make this noise. I was worried at first as i though it was an arc.

Thanks for your help :D

« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 01:52:10 PM by TheSuperHack3r »

Offline gunner7553

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Re: My Go-Cam doesn't work?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 03:24:07 PM »
hello, I know what you are talking about with the clicking, my psp does that some times to. My suggestion is, format the memory stick (after backing it up if you want) then put what ever programs that you want to put on it, and everything that you put in the seplugins folder. restart your psp and see if it still happens, if it still happens then you have a program that is running in the back ground that is crashing. go back to your seplugins folder and make sure you have every thing for all your programs in there, turn on your psp in recovery, and check all your setting. when my psp did this i had to restore the system completely, that worked in till I upgraded the cfw to 5.50 gen-d full, it then did the cracking and shut of, I then used the psp tool battery with a magic memory card that installed 5.50 gen-d full directly, this fixed it for me, and should let you use your go cam as well :tup:. hope it helped :#1:. if this didn't work for you, and you get it fixed tell us what you did to fix it. :hifive: :hifive:

Offline TheSuperHack3r

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Re: My Go-Cam doesn't work?
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 12:32:15 AM »
Well yer i got my go-cam working just my changing the theme lol. The clicking only happens when somthing crashes so thank you so much for the advice, i will try it. Thank you!

Offline razoracanine

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Re: My Go-Cam doesn't work?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2010, 08:32:06 PM »
remove first memory stick and insert the go cam..(make sure u fully shutdown your psp) your psp not insert memory stick... if you have done,you are in xmb and insert the memory stick and go to camera... :tup: :hifive:


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