Author Topic: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.  (Read 1912 times)

Offline MorboTron

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New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« on: February 12, 2010, 11:11:38 PM »
Greetings and Salutations!

I've been lurking around here for a little while, but I am just now getting serious about my modding.

So, I decided to take a challenge from a friend here in town.  He bet me $100 that I could not build a PSP slim from Spare parts.  I decided to take it a step further, and go the distance with a full mod.

It started out as a Piano Black Slim with a TA-088v3 (Verified) in it...YUCK. The board was toast anyway (Blown fuses galore), and the only real salvageable parts were the case, and the Wi-Fi antenna.

The first thing I did was purchase a TA-085v2 board, since I already have an MMS and a Pandora.

I took a frame set from a Red Replacement shell, and a WLAN and power button from a Daxter Model Silver.  These were added to the Black original shell.  A set of Red buttons: Home bar, nub, abxy, d-pad and shoulders; Were added as well.

With the color choices I had made, I decided that I am going to theme the mod. "What theme?" you may ask...

Well, one of my favorite TV shows as a kid was:

With this in mind, I got the System pretty Much together and working. 

**Please excuse the pic quality since I took them in less than optimal light, and my Camera is on its last legs here...**

Note! You can click on the pics for larger view!

Right now it is on OFW 3.72, and for some reason I can only get it to run on the AC adapter for now.

Which brings me to a question:

What is causing my power issue?  The system will not recognize the original battery.  If I leave the battery out for a while and Plug the AC in, I do get a charge light, and it acts like it is charging for about five minutes then goes out.  When I remove the charger, it shuts off, and will not respond to the battery at all.

When checking the status with the AC plugged in, and the battery installed, It doesn't even recognize that a battery is in the system.

I have ordered a new battery to replace it to make sure it's not just a bad cell.  Everything on the board checks out on the DMM with no continuity breaks.  Though I did get a bit of trouble from the metal shielding on the top of the mobo.  That is also being replaced because the one I had laying around had some corrosion on it, so one is on the way from my "Parts guy"

Hopefully this will rectify things, as I really don't want to have to mess with replacing fuses. (I hate bridging because the fuse is there for a reason...). Weird though because everything checks out on the meter.

The wallpaper is just a JPEG that I loaded onto a memory stick for demo purposes at the moment until I can get the power issue taken care of.

Anyway, I am planning on putting in some trigger LED's, and doing something with the music player to have Kitt's Voice modulator indicator panel as the VU meter. 

Maybe even some Custom Sound clips for the bootup sounds (Turbo boost sound, sensor sound, Kitt saying "Hello Michael", ETC)

This one is a work in progress, and all of the internals have come from about 4 different Slims. So it's kind of my Frankenstation.

I was thinking of modding a custom UMD door with an Illuminated Knight Industries Logo. 

Right now it's just a stock one.  I was thinking of using a UMD door from a 3000 since they have the thin ring, which lends more to the "Knight Rider" Theme.

I was also thinking of changing the trim to the darker grey from a Daxter model PSP. to reduce the Red a bit.

Any input?  I am farming for a little inspiration here.  Most electronic stuff is not a real challenge for me, I'm just new to the PSP modding. :cool:

Needless to say I already collected my $100 from my buddy.  That went into the Fund for doing this mod!  :tup:

Thanks for putting up with my long-windedness.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 11:27:35 PM by MorboTron »

Offline PheN0m37

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 08:27:32 PM »
It would be cool if you could add a knight rider light chaser to the trim on the top and bottom of the psp.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 08:29:57 PM by PheN0m37 »

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 08:03:24 AM »
It would be cool if you could add a knight rider light chaser to the trim on the top and bottom of the psp.

That is possible. If you search on google for a knight rider light chaser you can get one for a model car. there around $10 i think. you would need to see if you can rig it so it runs off the psp power but it can be done. Like what i see so far.

Offline MorboTron

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2010, 11:50:26 AM »
Thanks guys!

I know exactly which chaser setup you are talking about.  I will definitely look into it.

I am having an issue though that I am ripping my hair out over.

It's this battery recognition problem I am having.

I have tried everything, and nothing seems to fix this problem.

To describe what is going on:

I have a TA-085 Board.  The board will work off the AC charger (I have tried 5 so far just to make certain I don't have a bad charger) 

However, that is the only , and I mean ONLY way it will fire up.  At first I thought it was just a battery sync issue, so I Tried a couple of new batteries (O.E.M.) that were confirmed good.

Basically what is happening, is that the PSP is not recognizing a battery at all.  If I leave the battery out for 24 hours and try to put it in to charge, I will get an orange charge indicator for about one minute. Sometimes it will show a battery indicator on the screen, but it will disappear, reappear, disappear, then the charge light turns off and the system goes back into external power mode.  :fear:

When I check the battery status in the system menu, it does not show up at all and states that it is running off external power.

I have checked EVERY fuse on the mainboard with a tester, and they all come up with continuity OK. 

I have checked, double-checked, triple checked, and quadruple checked  the heatshields to make sure they are only contacting the pads they are supposed to. I have checked to make certain that all components are connected correctly. The physical battery connector has been tested and is throwing the proper voltage for charging, and shows continuity to all proper points on the board that supply power.

I have done everything short of Voodoo/withchcraft/Santeria/Sorcery. Though I am considering it if it will get this PSP to recognize a battery.  :huh:

I have replaced the power switch board, the ABXY/Power ribbon sheet, the AC connector, the Wi-Fi unit, the Headphone/AV jack, the Thumbstick unit.

I have tried With Four batteries so far.

The board is running on OFW 3.72. I have not attempted CFW installation yet, because the system HAS to recognize a battery for me to use pandora.

I have exhausted google with just about every keyword I can think of, and the only thing I can come up with is stuff about Pandora battery issues.  This board has NEVER had a pandora near it. 

I've had some concern about this issue, and I am wondering if I should just scrap the board and get a new one?

As I said, it's not the batteries, and not the chargers.  Those all work with other systems.

I just want to get this issue taken care of with due diligence, because this PSP NEEDS, CRAVES, and WANTS CFW, but I can't load it up until I get this battery recognition issue taken care of.

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2010, 11:55:15 AM »
You Sure Your Charger Connection Is All The Way In
This Happened To Me I Just Had To Push The Charger All The Way In

Offline MorboTron

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2010, 12:59:38 PM »
Yes,  It's all the way in.  :winker:  I wouldn't think the system would run off ac power without a battery in if it weren't fully seated.  :eyebrow:

As I said, I have quadruple checked just about everything I can think of.  It's to the point that I am ready to give up on this motherboard. I'm beginning to wonder if this board has been subjected to moisture...  :whoosh:  I'll have to ask my friend that I bought it from.

I just got a new board in the mail today.  I'll check it later to see if it fixes the problem.

I would still like to solve this issue, because having a spare TA-085 That works would be nice.
It's just a pain because newer games require a firmware upgrade to play, and the system has to have a battery connected for that. GRRRRR

I've never had a PSP give me so much trouble before.

**Edit -  New motherboard fixed the issue.  I would still appreciate any insight as to what may be causing the problem on the old board though.  :confused:
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 01:52:16 PM by MorboTron »

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 06:18:15 PM »
maybe u could sell ur old mobo :tup:
viperfan91 (phat), thaq93 (psp phat parts)
pinoyballa  (2 phats ), tri-edge (slim)
Awilliams357- to be shipped

Offline MorboTron

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2010, 08:16:40 PM »
That mobo went to heaven.

As for the chaser kit, a business associate of mine suggested a ribbon cable LED ladder like we were using in some of our prototype lightsabers.  He seems to think if we go that route it might be able to fit nicely above the home bar ribbon. the sequencer would have to go in the cavity under the MS socket, so no big speaker unless I want to lose the UMD drive.

Another friend that has a CNC is making me a custom insert for the UMD door that looks like one of K.I.T.T's wheels.  The Knight industries logo will be in the center of it.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 08:17:02 PM by MorboTron »

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Re: New guy here. First Mod in progress. Themed mod.
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2010, 01:26:01 PM »
If your getting cfw go for it with taking the umd drive out supposedly it saves a large amount of battery


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