Hey guys, yup, it's me

I've missed you guys, although im sad to say I'm not staying for long. I am, however, starting an art project that might excite you guys. But I can't do it all on my own. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present...
The AcidMods iPhone/iPod Touch Theme 2.0!
Yes, that's right, I'm going to start designing a new AM iPhone theme

But there is one problem... I am rather limited as to what time i have on my hands (coursework etc). And the most tedious part of making a theme has to be the icons, and it is also the most time consuming. Therefore, i am suggesting that YOU, the community of AcidMods, design the icons. I can do pretty much everything else fine, but it's also a community project so I want everyone who wants to have a part in making this theme. So, Head over to this link (
https://www.acidmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,35528.0) for the info, and for a post of your interest, and which part of the theme you would be interested in designing.