Author Topic: R&D March Monthly News Update  (Read 2171 times)

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R&D March Monthly News Update
« on: March 02, 2010, 07:35:25 AM »
   R&D Monthly News Update
Date Published: 3/2/2010

Hello Acidmods and welcome to the R&D’s second/March edition, of our monthly newsletter.

Mods In Development

   Are you one of the people out there that has a multi colored Rol? Ever feel that you want to spice your controller to match it with the color of the indicating led is on? Well guys this month A new code is under development by our fellow modder TopP8uzz . This code uses a 12f683 pic chip. Developed for one of our fellow modders by request this code can detect  the input of a led, and then depending on what led is on sends a signal through another I/O that can be used to light up your controller depending on the color of the led. This code is sure to be useful to all you guys that have multi colored ring of lights. here's a test video of it by Spurgurgle. we can expect this code to be released early march.

   So what’s red and blue depending on what player you are? Well Spurgurgles t0pPad is, in the previous article we talked about the codes and what would be seeing. Well guys  there has been a few new updates, First off what do you think happens with just 2 double A batteries with all those chips and extra leds in it? Well it’s going to go through the batteries faster, well Spurgurgle came up with an idea of taking the battery from a old phone in order to power this beast of a controller and with help from FOOKz spurg will be able to charge the new battery straight off of the plug and play charger. Well that’s just one of the many unique things this controller features. here's this months preveiw pictures of t0pPad

the clear parts Spurg will be lighting with t0pToner

and some of the parts he's already lit ready for installation

t0pfire update
Well guys were all familiar with T0ps revolutionary Rapid fire code. Well this month comes with a small updates for the code. A few glitches  had come to our attention. Well T0p managed to fix the some of the small bugs. According to T0p he had heard many reports about the leds blinking in the power up and in the game play making it easily distracting for its user.  Well with his experience in coding he has been able to fix these problems make it a smoother and nicer rapid fire for your easy convince. In all this Revision comes to version 2.6.  I wonder what the next update will be.

Other News:

    Have you ever thought about wanting to join the Acidmods R&D team? Well guys it’s time to get your thinking caps on and your soldering irons heated up. The R&D will be recruiting new members over the course of the next couple months.  We will be looking for a few different types of modders, here are the categories that we are looking for.
-psp modders
-wii/ds modders
-ps3 modders
-code writers/programmers
aswell as all round modders that show the skill to help advance our team further

   So on that note time to get down to business, and show off what you can really do, I’m sure I speak for the rest of the R&D team when saying that we’re excited to see what neat and creative mods you guys will come up with. Here is a link for the orginal topic created by Spurgurgle. click here to put your name down
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 08:09:57 AM by modded matt »

Offline spurgurgle

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Re: R&D March Monthly News Update
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2010, 04:10:24 AM »
T0ptoner has now been released. i moved the final thread to here in the public opensource code area if anyone wants to have a play with it.....

this isnt one of t0ps bigger projects it was just a little code that i requested him to make for a me a while back..... that we decided to release to public.. hope you like it

Sigs made by Ken and blazin from the AM Art team cheers guys.....
Spurgurgle d.t com
"I'm kinda like a typo, not quite right, but most people still understand me"


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