Author Topic: PS3 Clear Shell Pulse LED Assistance.  (Read 3008 times)

Offline i7vSa7vi7y

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PS3 Clear Shell Pulse LED Assistance.
« on: November 10, 2012, 03:02:07 PM »
So I just bought a clear PS3 Controller Shell with clear inserts. I have a couple mods that I have in mind.

Mods I want to do.
-LED Swap
-PS Button LED
-3mm LED connected to each rumble.
-3mm or 0603 under joysticks with switch.
-Two pulse LEDs with a switch.

I have done plenty of LED mods but this will be my first with a timer.
How exactly would I do this with two 3mm LEDs and a 555 timer?
I am using the newest controllers with the most recent motherboard.
Any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated.

On a side note. I was wondering if there is anyway to make a 0603 smd LED activate while pushing a button like "X" or "R1"? I am considering this but I don't think I am quite on that level yet. I do know it will take a dremel for the directional and shape buttons.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 03:05:37 PM by i7vSa7vi7y »

Offline nEoVaLoR

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Re: PS3 Clear Shell Pulse LED Assistance.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 10:55:29 PM »

On a side note. I was wondering if there is anyway to make a 0603 smd LED activate while pushing a button like "X" or "R1"? I am considering this but I don't think I am quite on that level yet. I do know it will take a dremel for the directional and shape buttons.

lol.. it's easy as 3.14!

if I remember correctly.. please keep in mind i could  be 100 percent wrong.

but i'm pretty sure all buttons have a ground that is only active when you push down the button. so you just take positive to your led to whatever voltage you need, and negative to wherever that buttons ground is located. for ps3 you would have to solder to the controller board since there is a membrane and the copper traces aren't directly under the button. google dualshock 3 pinout.

someone correct me if i'm wrong.

Offline i7vSa7vi7y

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Re: PS3 Clear Shell Pulse LED Assistance.
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 12:13:16 AM »
lol.. it's easy as 3.14!

if I remember correctly.. please keep in mind i could  be 100 percent wrong.

but i'm pretty sure all buttons have a ground that is only active when you push down the button. so you just take positive to your led to whatever voltage you need, and negative to wherever that buttons ground is located. for ps3 you would have to solder to the controller board since there is a membrane and the copper traces aren't directly under the button. google dualshock 3 pinout.

someone correct me if i'm wrong.

Ok. I have made button mods by adding another X and O where your ring fingers are when you hold the controller. So I'm guessing a 5v source, resistor and led to button ground?

If anyone could help me with resistors for any of these mods I'd appreciate it. I'm a noob when it comes to resistors. I've never used them.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 12:41:23 AM by i7vSa7vi7y »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: PS3 Clear Shell Pulse LED Assistance.
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 06:02:03 AM »
The resistance depends on the forward V of your leds. There is a simple calculator on google. 
As for Neo's idea , I think a diode might be needed to not interfere with the matrix.

BTW love the pie reference.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 06:03:01 AM by 1TONpete »

Offline nEoVaLoR

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Re: PS3 Clear Shell Pulse LED Assistance.
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 12:32:08 PM »
The resistance depends on the forward V of your leds. There is a simple calculator on google. 
As for Neo's idea , I think a diode might be needed to not interfere with the matrix.

BTW love the pie reference.

*takes a bow*

yeah i'm really rusty on all my wiring facts i used to know. i've done the push to light mod on a nintendo ds before, but i'm not sure if it works the same. i'm not sure how it works at all actually lol.


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