Author Topic: News for the frontpage!  (Read 2711 times)

Offline dedafmonteur

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News for the frontpage!
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:42:43 AM »

As you know we have a new homepage (Called portal).
We would like to post news about; tech/mods/consoles and loads of other things on there.
The thing is, we can't keep up with all the tech news and mods.

So, if you think you found news that really needs to be on our frontpage just contact the media/blog team or me!
Ill be posting loads of news every day on the hompeage, just to keep you guys busy!

Our media team:

Mactastic Mendez
Slim Hacker

They will make a spicy article about your news and ofcourse the credits go to you.


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