Hey yall! Comin soon to a PSP go near you is a PSP dualshock mod.
My plan is to buy a White DS3, a white PSP go (gotta save up enough from work, got a raise (SWEET

)) then take them both apart, then make a custom case that basically has both molded together. have it so that the PSP still has all of its controls and slides, but you basically wont need that. Also the DS3 will have the Mini USB-B still, in theory you can use the DS3 as a controller for the PS3, or another PSP go (lol that would be funny

) I would buy one of those larger capacity batteries for the DS3. Check back soon for an update.
UPDATE #1: Maybe a feature to mount the DS3's second analogue stick to the ^[]OX buttons!
UPDATE #2: Estimated at 10 weeks until I have the PSP go.
UPDATE #3: Maybe a Chotto mod that I can fit in the DS3.