He said he wanted 20 euro's for it, I am gonna try to get it for 15 euros. Anyhow, about the powerboard.
My psp is not custom firmware, can't be hacked in any way atm becaus of the datacode 8c mobo and the 6.20 firmware.
His psp, the psp which got water on it does have custom firmware, but the battery runs out after 10 minuts apparently and the x, squar, triangle and circle buttons dont work. He can still navigate through the menu and see whats happening in the xmb.
What parts besides the power board need replacement? And couldn't i just switch his psp mobo with mine, so my psp has custom firmware?
Thanks in advance!
Post Merge: March 18, 2010, 01:26:31 AM
Oh and a question about the power board, doesn't that make your psp go on and off? Becaus if so, the psp does go on apparently.
Post Merge: March 18, 2010, 01:55:14 PM
Oke, I've bought the psp for 5 euros!!! It works, it goes on, it has custom firmware, the buttons just occiasonally don't work. I need to press hard for them to work if they don't.
And this one time it just went out. My brother told me to put it on the heater for a while since it has sustained water damage. I don't know when it had water on it, it could be a week ago or 6 months ago.
What parts do i need to replace and what can i do about the buttons malfunction?
Thanks in advance!