Author Topic: A New Better OS To Hit The iPhone?!  (Read 2010 times)

Offline TwisTtheTwiTcH

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A New Better OS To Hit The iPhone?!
« on: April 22, 2010, 09:05:13 PM »
Are you an Android fan like myself? Or are you one of those Apple supporters. Did you get an iPhone only to realize later that you should have gotten an Android? Well, this rant really isn’t important because we all know deep down inside that Android is a better OS. Be reluctant and fight these facts it is okay. I do understand. Step one is accepting that you are wrong… Anyway, I am just joking. XD

A Hacker by the name of David Wang completely shot down Apple’s attempt at keeping their precious toys locked down. This previous Wednesday Mr. Wang released a demonstration video showing a first generation iPhone with dual-boot configuration.

The video begins with the iPhone Dev Team Member Mr. Wang showing his iPhone running the iPhone OS. Mr. Wang then resets the phone and demonstrates it booting the Linux kernel and boots the Android OS. He does demonstrate the functions of the phone still working properly and admits it isn’t production quality yet, but perhaps Alpha quality.

He shows the Wi-Fi, music, texting, and the all-important phone function. Mr. Wang’s work is quite notable because he has been working on it since 2008 if not earlier. In the video he does mention that things are a little buggy because he has not implemented all of the Android-specific driver extensions, he was also running a debug version of the OS and don’t forget most Android phones have five buttons if not more, which makes navigating on the iPhone a little trickier.
"There's a little bit of a button shortage on the iPhone," Wang said.

Mr. Wang believes that it should be fairly simple to port forward this to the 3G although the 3Gs will obviously take more time. “Hopefully with all this groundwork laid out, we can make Android a real alternative or supplement for iPhone users. Maybe we can finally get Flash. ;)" Wang said.


[spoiler]I enjoyed saying "Mr. Wang" through this entire article.[/spoiler]

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Re: A New Better OS To Hit The iPhone?!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 09:56:09 PM »
Kamelot Forever


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