Author Topic: iPod Touch prototypes, leaked...  (Read 2493 times)

Offline treemty

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iPod Touch prototypes, leaked...
« on: April 24, 2010, 02:32:53 PM »
Wow, so it seems apple is having a pretty bad week...First off, there was the iPhone 4G that was left in a bar(If you are interested in this article it can be found Here) and now there is this! I'll start off, by tell you exactly what happend. Apparently, on of the apple development team members had two of these iPod touch prototypes and were each semi-working, but also had CAMERAS! As you might recall, there was a rumor that apple was going to put cameras on their iPod touches, but then Steve Jobs said that it was near impossible to fit a camera into a device so thin...Well, apparently not.

Each iPod is marked DVT-1, and DVT-2, which I am guessing stands for Development 1 and 2, and they each are running a dev. OS labeled Switchboard. Also, each iPod has a Camera located in the center, top of the iPod.

So I am speculating, that apple, has in fact figured out a way to fit the camera inside of an iPod touch, and will soon be releasing a new model, including the camera, once they have perfected it. What are your thought's?

« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 02:35:31 PM by treemty »

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Re: iPod Touch prototypes, leaked...
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2010, 03:08:21 AM »
these are prototypes of the current generation ipod touch which was widely rumoured to have a camera built into it but unfortunately this was removed from the design last minute, so last minute in fact that they left behind a gap for it and its housing. but it is still very interesting to see prototype products with features that weren't released. these were originally bought from someone at a flee market who had bought them at a live auction in the area before they found there way onto ebay

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