Author Topic: How many volts does the led need to be in order to work on wii remotes  (Read 2824 times)

Offline blitz_

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I need to know how many volts the 3mm LED needs to be for the wii remote, nunchuck, and classic controller for the led to work correctly. I plan on putting at least 4 in my classic controller and 1 or 2 in my wii mote and nunchuck. These will be 3 color leds that have a slow fade. Thanks for any info you can provide


Offline nEoVaLoR

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You don't really need to worry about voltage and resistance for the wiimotes and accesories.  There are test points and voltage points that almost everyone uses. Stick to these. They will give you 3mm diodes a good amount of illumination.  Finding other voltage points can mess with functions on your controller, or even short your board rendering it useless.

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please read his question before throwing randomness out there.

to answer your question, the wii mote runs off 2AA batteries. each supplying 1.5V each so this means your supply voltage is 3v, and your LEDs FV must be below that to even illuminate.


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