Author Topic: 2 psp 3000 blue and red paint and led mod by lobo.  (Read 1603 times)

Offline loboplayero

  • hardcore psp modder!!
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2 psp 3000 blue and red paint and led mod by lobo.
« on: May 02, 2010, 04:50:59 PM »
hey guys waz up i just wanted to share something with you guys the other day i met a pretty good team of workers so they like what i do with psp"s so one of the guys was like hey im going to bring you some work so like ya already know some people when they say they going to bring something they never come they front so this guys bring me 5 PSP 4 3000 one 2000 im like for real what you want me to do he said u say u are a psp modder so show me what you got im like ok just give me some time 3 of them had broken screens and some motherboard problems and im pretty sure one of the 3000 had water damage i think is water damage cuz the back of the lcd had rust so wat u think yes or no.

i can only hack 1 or 2 of the 3000 cuz they were upgrade it to 5.51 so im pretty sure im out of luck unless any one knows how to downgrade.

so this devices are for his kids and i wanted to do something special and show off some of my skills so since this guys are big time on electronics i have to do my best.

materials i used.

hobbie spray paint for plactic blue and red.
leds 0603 blue
umd door cut circle
a dremel

psp 3000 botton and led umd door cut mod by lobo.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 12:58:02 AM by loboplayero »


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