Well, I love it already.
- Armor Lock is SO COOL. When you and another guy both have it, it becomes a game of strategy as to who can outsmart the other
- Camo is a little too fair - it becomes poor camo if you move t fast, and you can't hear anything. Still good for assasinations though.
- Sprint + Hammer = Win. I got a spree with this. I am da chieftan.
- Jetpack was the least useful to me, especially with bumper jumper controls. Useful in Stockpile for jumping oglff stuff without dying.
- New AR is basically a water gun, but once the shield is down, it's open to melée. No probs there.
- DMR clip is tiny, and it kills slow... MLG may not like this.
- Needle Rifle. A DMR, but that explodes.... Need I say more?
- Needler. No difference.
- Plasma repeater is scarily awesome and kills real fast. Like the Halo 1 assault rifle, in some ways.
- Focus Rifle is a little underpowered
- Grav Hammer is the same, as is the sword.
- Grenades = Mininukes.