With the new motion-plus bundled controllers and black accessories, it was only a matter of time before Nintendo released a black system. I didn't think it would take quite this long but now that it finally released on May 9th, I went ahead and picked one up. First off, it's a pretty good deal, you get Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort along with a motion-plus attachment for 199.99. You're pretty much saving 50 bucks by picking up this bundle. I'm pretty sure that going forward this will be the way Wii's are packaged permanently.
My only issue with the packaging itself is that Resort does not come in a case. It comes in a dinky little sleeve like Wii Sports comes in.
Come on Nintendo! The game already had a case with it's initial release! You couldn't spring for a double disc case? I could see a case not fitting in with the current way the Wii is packed but it could have been done in a way to fit a case in there.
I will say the console itself looks very nice in black. It looks especially nice when you get a message and the slot glows blue.
One of the advantages of a black console is that dirt and dust won't show up on it nearly as much as it does on the white system, It is however, fingerprint city. If you have kids at home and you like the way your console looks you might want to have it out of arms length. Even taking it out of the box leaves a few prints on it. A CSI would have field day with the amount of prints left on it.
As I said before, this package also comes with Wii Motion-plus. It actually comes already attached to the controller right out of the box, already wrapped in a jacket.
This is the same setup you can buy separately for about 54.99. What is interesting is that you also get a second smaller jacket just for the controller by itself.
I don't see why anyone would bother taking the motion-plus attachment off but it is nice to have an extra jacket. Also, I don't thing black jackets are available in the standard size outside of the new bundle.
The Wii-mote and nunchuck look great in black but remember fingerprints abound thanks to the glossy finfish. I personally like this black over the Elite 360's or slim PS3's. All in all if you thought about picking up a Wii at some point I think it's worth getting. It's not WiiHD or even motion plus built-in but it is a great value. If you already have a Wii it's nothing to get too excited over unless you want a different color.
If black doesn't tickle your fancy, the bundle is also available in white.