Author Topic: Followed trigger reactive rumble tutorial, no succes  (Read 1028 times)

Offline Ben93

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Followed trigger reactive rumble tutorial, no succes
« on: June 11, 2010, 03:27:48 PM »
Hi guys

I'm trying to figure out how this mod works:

psp rumble using original ribbon cable

1) In the tutorial it seems like the negative wire from the motor is already connected to the ground, and by also making contact between the ground and the trigger line and between the negative from the motor and the trigger line (=pushing the trigger, the "rubber" inside is a conductor), the motor starts to spin and the button shoulld still function normal e.g. in games.

2) Another way to interpret the tutorial is by thinking that the negative from te motor is "floating" above the ground and only makes direct contact with the ground and contact with the trigger line (due to the conductive rubber inside) by pushing the button.

So i first tried my first interpretation and as expected, the motor starts spinning as soon as you turn on the psp.

Then i tried my second interpretation 2 ways:
- Exactly as I explained => The motor spins when you push the button, but pushing it has no effect anyfurther e.g. ingame. Also as expected.
- Then I made a slight adjustment: I isolated the part of the conductive rubber above the wire, so when pushing the button, a connection trigger line - ground and motor negative - ground would be established. So no direct contact between the motor negative and the trigger line.
I first thougt there was only one result: the motor negative "dominates", the motor spins and the button had no effect anyfurther.
But by further testing of this method, i figured out when first making contact between the trigger line and the ground, keeping this contact established, and then making contact between the motor negative and the ground, the motor spins and the the button still works ingame. (short contact or holding the contact doesn't matter)

FInally here's my question: how was the tutorial intended and produces "my method" any disadvantages?
(I only found the solution while typing this and I'm thinking now of a way to set it up.)

EDIT: I'm afraid I was to optimistic. I was thinking about my method and realized I only tested it in xmb with songs. In games like motorstorm, isn't the button going to be virtualy pushed in all the time?

Post Merge: June 12, 2010, 11:59:18 PM
Sorry guys, I posted a bad link, fixed now. If anyone could take a look...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 11:59:18 PM by Ben93 »


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