Whilst I'm waiting on some parts to mod my first proper controller i asked my friends if they had any broken ones lying around... i was given a few that where, well, in half and with chunks missing from the boards etc. But i was given a circuit in perfect condition, and a old matrix one too. I was going to buy a shell for it and resell it but... it has some funny problems. OK sometimes it works fine with batteries and/or rechargeable. but other times it seems to press the right trigger after every other button. so its a pain and theres no visual damage to the controller, it just (for example in COD:MW2:) fires after reloading, after knifing and after sprinting etc. it would be good for sniping but it seems to shoot every new shell that's loaded into a shotgun! well... any ideas?
P.s the right analog button (press down) sometimes stops working also, i don't know if these two problems are related or not.