Author Topic: E3 2010 Condensed Day 2 (Sony)  (Read 1799 times)

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E3 2010 Condensed Day 2 (Sony)
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:52:39 PM »
They showed a live demonstration of Killzone 3 in 3D in the Champaign mode. The level looked spectacular although I wasn’t able to see it in 3D. The level had snow flurries which I am positive will effect game play. Killzone 3 in 3D will be Available in Feb 2011.

The second 3D video shown at the Sony spotlight at E3 was a advertisement for various Sony products including Dual Shock 3 controllers, PSPs, Move controllers, PS3s, games and a pair of 3D glasses. The video then went into a long series of clips for multiple upcoming games for the Playstation 3. Including the upcoming Sly collection.

The Playstation move was one of the first things mentioned that consumers are looking forward to from Sony, nobody is sure how well it will succeed. It is too similar to the Wii mote which we already love. Many gamers are looking forward to role play games and actually being able to shoot a bow, and attack with a sword & magic. This might not be because of it being a superior product but just because the game play type people are looking for is not available yet on the Nintendo Wii. Not like Zelda perhaps but possibly a game like Elder Scrolls.

The demonstration that was given by the Move controller with the game Sorcery was really quite nice. Although the game elements have been done many times before hand the interactions between the player with the move controller was very accurate. I personally like the glowing ball though. It changes color which helps to identify what you’re doing in game. Still though, its glowing we love glowing things. Sorcery which was shown during the demonstration will be available Spring of 2011. The Playstation move controller will be released on September 15th in Europe, & September 19th in North America  for a price tag of $49.99 the motion controller will be sold for 29.99. You will also be able to buy  a bundle for $99 which includes the Playstation eye, a game, the Move controller and the motion controller. A new bundle with the console will be released as well.

The next demonstration they used the move for was for a PGA game and after seeing the controller used quickly it doesn’t seem to respond as quickly as Microsoft’s new movement toy. The controller will ship this upcoming Fall. So we’ll all be able to get our hands on the shiny little sticks.

They just announced a game for the move “Hero’s on the Move” Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxer, & Sly Cooper all joining together. How could that not be a good thing?

A new “Step up your game” campaign for the PSP will be launched. They showed Marcus Rivers in ads with Kevin Butler.

The next clip shown was for God of War Ghost of Sparta. The CG scenes shown had amazing visuals.

In Playstation Home Sony replicated there booths in the Home world where you can view anything they have shown at E3 and there are even some items you can take home for your home.

A new “Step up your game” campaign for the PSP will be launched. They showed Marcus Rivers in ads with Kevin Butler.

The next clip shown was for God of War Ghost of Sparta. The CG scenes shown had amazing visuals.
In Playstation Home Sony replicated there booths in the Home world where you can view anything they have shown at E3 and there are even some items you can take home for your home.

Play station Plus will provide the PSN users will get exclusive content from exclusive betas, free content for new games including minis. They will also get access to new map packs and so much more. A one year subscription will cost 49.99$ or you can buy a 3 month subscription for 17.99$. This is all optional and not required to continue using the PSN.

Dead Space 2 special edition will come with Dead Space Extraction that will work with Move.

The Portal 2 segment started with our favorite creepy computer telling use to be ready for the announcer. Portal 2 will be brought to the PS3 and will utilize Steam to help make it a more social compatible game. The trailer for portal 2 takes place with the destroyed lab now over grown by vines reactivating and the computer rebuilding the facilities it ends with “I think we can put our differences behind us for science.. You monster”

Final Fantasy XIV online looks amazing from the clips they released at E3. No release date was given.

Infamous 2 was shown however no release date was shown or any else I can think of that hints to anything specific. The game will be released in 2010.

A new Twisted Metal video game was shown as a surprise. They even had the co-founders of the game company come out in an ice cream truck to tell the audience about the game. An exclusive for the PS3 which will include online mult-iplayer.  The game now incorporates flight for the first time in the series. They have also included team weapons to make multi-player more challenging and deadlier than ever.  The company added a new game mode called nuke that is there take on objective based multi-player games.

[This will continued to be updated]
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 05:26:08 PM by modded matt »

Offline Slim Hacker

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Re: E3 2010 Condensed Day 2 (Sony)
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 11:10:38 AM »
they have launched the psp adds fully now as if you watch G4 you are boung to see a couple.

Quote from: Jumbo
I herd you like stealing quotes ey?


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