Author Topic: Does Being "Around The Block" Have An Effect?  (Read 1326 times)

Offline MW2hack

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Does Being "Around The Block" Have An Effect?
« on: July 18, 2010, 10:54:44 AM »
I know all controllers are not made identically the same, even two controllers side by side that are fresh out of the package. Lets face it, these controllers are well made, but they are not blue printer to spec before packing occurs at the factory.

I have a couple questions I would like to ask and get opinions on. Again sorry of this has been beaten to death in the past. Provide a link to the thread(s) it was discussed in and I would be greatly appreciative. :tup:

First & Main question. Do any of you feel the newer controller seem to "loose" their edge/sensitivity after (lets just say & what I have noticed) 10-15 logged day hours of use? I have two kids and they have their own controllers. I keep tabs on mine. I have noticed with my latest/newest controller, new in February & about 19 days of log time on MW2, that it is just not what it used to be the first couple months when I started using it. Kind of rolls in another question, but what is (or is their) the predicted lifespan/use of an Xbox O.E.M. controller that has never been cracked apart? Maybe I am just hitting up against some of these wild modded out controllers gamers are using and I have to get in on! lol

Third question is, have you guys ever noticed a difference between new or equally used O.E.M. controllers and their sensitivity, or ever had one that just plain out was terrible to use over your last one? I bought a brand new wired O.E.M. Xbox controller awhile back (never been cracked open) for an extra~extra controller and right out of the gate I found it just was not like either of the three wireless I have right now wen it comes to quick controlling during game play. Never took it back and just do not use it. Its for friends.

One more question (full of them lol) but for you guys who "build" these one-off works of art, do you guys start out with a fresh O.E.M. out of the box controller, or do you built up on old controllers?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 10:59:28 AM by MW2hack »
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Re: Does Being "Around The Block" Have An Effect?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 11:07:01 AM »
First & Main question. Do any of you feel the newer controller seem to "loose" their edge/sensitivity after (lets just say & what I have noticed) 10-15 logged day hours of use?

yes but over more then 15 hours of use. personally i remember the joysticks felt like they were getting loose and less responsive. eventually they started to stick usually in the up position, which sucked.

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Re: Does Being "Around The Block" Have An Effect?
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 11:37:39 AM »
I agree with the issues you listed.

This is unrelated, but I also noticed (mid April to may maybe) almost over night on Xbox Live MW2 on-line multi-player my controller(s) just did not work correctly or as they had previously. Split Screen or the Regular MW2 game they worked fine. It took about a week (5 days) and they slowly seemed to function regularly again. I am not sure if it was my Xbox 360 Elite or not, but even a friend commented on how his controller functions while playing on-line changed during the same period of time. I hadn't found Acid Mods yet, but I did do a Google at the time and came up with just the usual complaints. 
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Re: Does Being "Around The Block" Have An Effect?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 03:06:20 PM »
i find the newer cg2 type pads are not as good quality as the older cg pads.... they seem to have some poor solder joints in them sometimes the triggers arnt set quite right so after awhile they start either not firing t all or auto firing.... but a quick touch up with some fresh solder and a bit of pressure to get it tight the board seems to work... i havnt noticed many other issues though.. .....

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Re: Does Being "Around The Block" Have An Effect?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 10:15:11 PM »
In about 1 month (85 Hours of game play) hours of Halo 3 and my controller's right trigger become squeaky and my analog sticks wear out. I lubricate my analog stick rims and triggers with graphite and i also superglue the analog stick "nipples" (little grip bumps) so they won't wear as fast.

When i mod controllers, it doesn't matter for me. I clean old controllers, refurbish broken ones and buy stock loads of brand new pads. Yes spurg the newer controllers seem crappy as if they slapped them together in 5 minutes.

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Re: Does Being "Around The Block" Have An Effect?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2010, 06:54:21 AM »
I have been using my ODST controller (CG1) since the day it came out, and havnt notice any wear or tear.

It is an interesting dilema and to be honest I havent had a problem with worn out controllers since the N64... but then again I usually have a ton of controllers around and I tend to give my oldest ones to my friends that need em.  I like to have a new controller every 6 months to a year, but it isnt really thought out like that, it just happens.

I looked at the specsheet for an anolog stick and looked at the lifetime rating specs.  The potentiometer states it can take 2,000,000 cycles on the spring return models.  Now think about how long it takes to do 2 million movements on you analog stick... probably not as long as you think

I dont think that a little wear and tear will effect the average player at all, the human brain is quite impressive and will compensate for many of the issues in an aging controller.

I always use the highest sensitivity setting for FPS shooters so that I rarely hit the limits of my analog sticks.  Triggers get mashed but still have never had a problem. 

i find the newer cg2 type pads are not as good quality as the older cg pads....

Of course CG2 is lower quality then CG1.... do you really think M$ put out another revision of CG to make it better?  LOL, like all the board revisions they went through to help RROD... it was easily fixable just not easily done for cheaper then the previous version.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 06:55:58 AM by 802Chives »


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