Hey, so i figured in my yearly emergence from hibernation i'd give my band "Resonant Arc" a bit of promotion (i play the bass)
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Resonant-Arc/141557182549277?ref=tshttp://www.myspace.com/resonantarcGive our two brand new demo's "Mute Alternant" and "Greywater" a listen and befriend us by all means

I know many people here are metalcore or dubstep fans but give some good ol' melodic metal a go

There are no synths or keyboards just guitar, bass, drums and vox so the bridges are me or the guitarist through goofy effects.
Cheers Guys

(if you enjoy, ask me for free higher quality mp3's through the facebook or myspace systems.....more likely to reach me)