Author Topic: Gmail now to make voice calls!  (Read 1664 times)

Offline TwisTtheTwiTcH

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Gmail now to make voice calls!
« on: August 28, 2010, 03:02:02 PM »
Google Mail or Gmail is now enabled to make phone calls. This new ability is a combination of Google voice and your standard gmail. Much like skype you will now be able to dial phone numbers from your computer and receive phone calls through your own personal Google Voice number.

Calls within the U.S. and Canada will be free while other countries such as the U.K. and France will cost as little as 2 cents a minute.

This service should be available for users within the U.S. on Wednesday. As of now the international launch date is unannounced.


Offline Drummist

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Re: Gmail now to make voice calls!
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2010, 08:11:49 AM »
Google Mail or Gmail is now enabled to make phone calls. This new ability is a combination of Google voice and your standard gmail. Much like skype you will now be able to dial phone numbers from your computer and receive phone calls through your own personal Google Voice number.

Calls within the U.S. and Canada will be free while other countries such as the U.K. and France will cost as little as 2 cents a minute.

This service should be available for users within the U.S. on Wednesday. As of now the international launch date is unannounced.


Ooooo, I love Google and am quite fond of Skype.... Will have to go have a look at this.....

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