Author Topic: looking for a sleeper 7 mode rapid fire hex code someone please help  (Read 3007 times)

Offline lion2220

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i'm looking for a 7 mode rapid fire instructions on how to program a pic12f683 chip if anyone can help me out i'd really appriciate it as i'm tired of paying 12.99 for a 50 cent chip please help me

Offline NineTwoFive

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Go here:,389.0.html
That is the opensource section. You should be able to find something you like there.
Devin :)
P.S. The PICs are actually $1.12 :)

Offline lion2220

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ya i saw that but it's for a 3 to 4 mode and only the hazers burnmeup2 one is a sleeper and it requires 4 resistors diodes and :censored: and it seems really complicated the 7 mode one i've been installing lately that i have been buying the kits from the guy on ebay is a 7 mode sleeper and only requires a diode for the matrix board and the cg board is just wired to the chip i tried talking to the guy about getting the hex code an he wants over 1200.00 for it guys a :censored: if anyone can help me out with a 7 mode rapid fire hex code for the 360 please post it here
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 02:28:24 PM by lion2220 »

Offline radddogg

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Re: looking for a sleeper 7 mode rapid fire hex code someone please help
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2010, 04:31:59 PM »
May be too late but the FLEX code is fully programmable, as many modes as you want and only needs 2 diode 4 the old board and nothing 4 the new board.

It looks complex but it isn't. Programming is straight forward once you have read and understood the instructions.

Try it!!!


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