I don't usually write about rumors, but this was too good to pass up! Apparently, according to a source who wished to remain anonymous, Gearbox, creators of the Brothers in Arms and Borderlands franchises, has been named as the developer who will finally release Duke Nukem Forever, a game that has been in development so long it has begun to ascend to a higher plain of existence. The game was thought all but dead when then developer 3D Realms was sued by publisher take-two for taking so freaking long. 3D realms has since went under and DNF was thought to have sunk with ship. I really hope this thing comes out now, I mean, judging from the last gameplay footage I saw it already looks done! Of course when it does come out it could mean the end of time and space as we know it. A possible demo might be out for the game later this year.
Take a gander at the gameplay footage from April and tell me what you think!