Author Topic: xbox front panal led swap by whitetop  (Read 1670 times)

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xbox front panal led swap by whitetop
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:25:02 AM »
Xbox Front Panal Led Swap

the writing might be short but the pictures will show you the way. i did order blue and green leds but i ended up with blue and orange lol
hope you like my tut and hope it helps you. i did all this on myself for the slim xbox im doing.

Parts Needed

Tools Needed

Difficulty rating: 3/5

Average Time to Complete: 30-45mins

i know the xbox is old but not many people want to mess around with there xbox360's

Step By Step Tutorial

1, this is what you have at and orange

2 get you solder iron warmed up ready and get your leds

3, get your xbox and alan key and undo the screws on the bottom of the xbox and put in a place so you don't lose them.

4, take your hdd and drive out but don't forget to take the 3 screws out before doing so.

5, you should end up with something like this this xbox is a version 6  the screws will be in different places. undo the screws on motherboard and power board.

when boards are out

6, unclip the face of the xbox

7, press down the clip on the power and eject board and pull out the board.

this is what you will have

take the black tape of so we can get to the pins to unsolder

8,these are the pins we are going to unsolder.

9,once unsoldered the old led pins clean away the old solder so you can put your new leds in. only put the pins of your new leds so far there is flat parts on the pins on were they should be direct on the board like this.

10,slowly bend the led down onto the board then push the pins in a bit when you turn the board around you should see this solder the pins to the board but not to much solder.

11,once you have soldered you pins cut you pins down to look like this.

12,your leds should look like this but make shew your lids are put in the same way the old one came out or you will only have one color.

13,once you have soldered your leds and everything look ok reverce the taking the xbox part to put it back to gether once done your xbox should look like this depends on what color leds you have.

then your finished good job.

FAQ/ Troubleshooting
  • problem one that usually happens
  • problem two that usually happens
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 09:44:34 AM by laxboy »



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