Author Topic: PSP Docking Stations with IR Remote  (Read 3136 times)

Offline A_Akuma

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PSP Docking Stations with IR Remote
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:44:29 AM »
Here is a little side project I've been working on. Would be nice to get some input from people to lead in the right direction.

I have a Non-OEM PSP Docking Station with IR Remote for the PSP Slim (HXQ133).

I've been using a PSP-1000 with iRshell to capture the codes and see if new ones can be created or modify the current ones to make use of the players other features. (like stop). The Blaze Pro codes that come with iRshell is picked up by the HXQ133 but still performs the separate functions.

So far I have just been messing with different combinations of pronto codes. I need some fresh ideas to try. Is there something I am missing or is there anything I can attempt to the docking station itself? Any ideas would be appreciated.


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