Author Topic: How would i wire all this up from ABXY Flasher?  (Read 1352 times)

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How would i wire all this up from ABXY Flasher?
« on: November 12, 2010, 12:38:06 AM »
OK so i want to make led rods and put them all around my xbox 360, but would i have to change anything or add anything for it to work with normal leds? im also planning to use A LOT of them as i will be putting them all around my xbox 360 and using different colors. can i just add one positive wire from the chip to each rod and then connect the other part of the rod to a ground? can i also send another wire from one of the pins on the chip going to the rods to the ring of light board? would i need to add extra power as it is intended to only work with 1 led on 4 different pins but i want to use 10+ leds on each guessing...depending on how much room it takes and how bright it is maybe less. can the chip work with this much power?

if i were to do this, where would i connect all the wires from the chip to the motherboard, and i could just solder the ground of the rods to the metal case.

what would be the wiring from the chip to the motherboard if i was to do this?

also would this work with neon lights lol.

i basically plan on packing my xbox 360 with lights and using the microchip as the controller of the WHOLE THING, except the hard drive, if i can even fit and wire up a chip in there.

if anyone would help me that would be awesome!  :yess: if not i will TRY to find appropriate power supply on the motherboard and wire everything else up to the rods and stuff and see if it works.

also to save me a lot of time how would i wire up one of these chips in an HDD? is it possible?

i will defiantly be sure to post a vid for all you to see if it turns out good. 

i will be extremely grateful for any help and will +rep if they have it on this forum!!!  :yess:

(this was ment to be a reply to the ABXY Flasher thread, until i realized it should be a topic.)


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