Author Topic: OFC Downgrading & Modding questions  (Read 1272 times)

Offline Jeff Bobbo

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OFC Downgrading & Modding questions
« on: September 13, 2010, 10:07:05 AM »
I am new to AcidMods (As you can tell by my insanely low post count. >:P), and general PSP modding world...

Anyway, I have two PSP 1k's, and, the screens are broken on both of them (Yey).
One is physically cracked (Wrong screw in the back! D:!), and the other just doesn't work.... Not the backlight.

Anyway again, as I said, I'm new to the whole modding/PSP internals, BUT, I have a good electronics mind... And I was thinking of getting my PSP running on my computer as a separate window, which I have seen many videos for on YouTube... Which require Custom Firmware and such forth. Before someone tells me to search, I did... There isn't really a big, well layed out, easy to follow guide anywhere (Or I failed to find it)? (Why? D:!)

So I'd like (Please. :P) a guide/help on doing that... Because I don't want to brick my only PSPs. :P

As for mods I plan:

  • Removal of the UMD drive so that I have internal space
  • CFW so I can run PC window of my PSP's screen.
  • CFW again, so I can run ISO's off my memory stick (Not getting far in playing MHFU without the UMD drive. :P)
  • Port for connecting external controllers: Xbox Controller S, DualShock something (PS1/2 one)
  • Maybe some piss easy LED mod, which everyone does cause its easy (And generally boring, and power sucking, and did I say boring?)
  • Possible complete revamp of my console (IE, removing the case as it is, and forming a new one for one of my PSPs
  • Something I can't think of currently

Obviously the easiest one to carry out there is LED or controller mods, as all that needs it a bit of soldering and wiring, maybe some PIC work depending how I want to go about the controllers (Was thinking of switches for choosing between Analogue sticks and D-Pad for use on either the stick or d-pad on the PSP).

So, anyone got any help to offer with Downgrading my PSP's, they are OFW 6. something or so? Would be greatly appreciated... (As I believe you need to downgrade to 1.5 before installing CFW)

PS: If anyone wants to see what happens when you use the wrong screw, ask, I'll show you the damage to my screen. XD

PPS: Another idea for the PSP > Computer was to take the direct screen output (I have pinout. :P), and convert that into serial or USB, and make a driver, which is a bit advanced for me. :P But meh. XD

Thanks. ^_^

Offline ThePSPGuru

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Re: OFC Downgrading & Modding questions
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 04:42:26 PM »
Just like you I am new to the forum but i got some xp in my class.  Since your psp is over the 5.03 ofw (the one that was released on the Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Game) You can't use the ChickHEN method. Although trust me, for a psp 1000 it doesn't like to work anyway. Back to the subject; For installing cfw on you psp you will need a pandora battery. There are plenty of tutorials on youtube but first you need to see if you could hack it in the first place. To install cfw i suggest following this video
Click on it and download the files in the video description
 How to Install CFW on a PSP 1000(regardless of Official Firmware)
Yes it's a little narcissistic to put my own video but i had it after i saw this post so that makes it a little ok, right? The Video is processing it should be done by the time you read this.

Offline Rodent

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Re: OFC Downgrading & Modding questions
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 07:05:09 PM »
IF your looking to replace the screen , I just replace two that i got cheap

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Offline Jeff Bobbo

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Re: OFC Downgrading & Modding questions
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 07:40:30 AM »
IF your looking to replace the screen , I just replace two that i got cheap

Win! I just need to get it shipped to the UK. :(
That sounds like Christmas presents for mee. XD

As for ThePSPGuru, thanks, I'll take a look at that when I can actually see everything on my screen. XD

Offline Rodent

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Re: OFC Downgrading & Modding questions
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2010, 12:07:52 PM »
your welcome

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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